Bonding Chapters 8 & 9
Bonds Ionic Covalent Metallic Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions Covalent Shared valence electrons Metallic Pooled electrons around a positive core
Octet Rule Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full valence shell First energy level is limited to 2 electrons d & f sublevels allow for more than 8
Ionic Bonding Electrostatic attraction due to oppositely charged ions Lattice Energy Energy released when gaseous ions form 1 mole of ionic solid Usually reported as exothermic process Energy required to separate 1 mole of ionic solid into gaseous ions
Lattice Energy Depends directly on magnitude of charges and inversely on size of ions Larger charges means more coulombic attraction Larger ion size means less coulombic attraction
Ionic Compounds Metal and nonmetal High Melting and Boiling Points Hard Crystalline solids Brittle Break when struck (Cleave) Soluble in water Conduct electricity when melted or dissolved Do not conduct as solids
Covalent Bonding Sharing of valence electrons due to equal or near equal electronegativity of 2 nonmetals
Bond Enthalpy Amount of energy required to break a bond Amount of energy released when a bond forms Larger energy = stronger bond ΔH = Σreactants - Σproducts
Bond Polarity Bond type is based on difference in electronegativity between bonding atoms Larger difference = more polar Bond polarity is a continuous spectrum Nonpolar Covalent Polar Covalent Ionic ΔEN
Dipole Moment Measure of Bond Polarity
Molecular Polarity
Molecular Polarity
F Lewis Structures Electron Dot Diagrams Rules for individual atoms Shows valence electrons only Rules for individual atoms Start on any side First two get paired together Next three are separated Fill in as needed F
F- Na+ Lewis Structures Monatomic Ions Positive ions tend to have 0 dots Lost all valence electrons Negative ions tend to have 8 dots Gained enough to fill valence shell Can have brackets around ion with charge outside brackets Na+ F-
Lewis Structures Ionic Compounds NaCl Cl [ ] - Na+
Lewis Structures Covalent Compounds Line for bonding electrons 1 line = single bond 2 lines = double bond 3 lines = triple bond Dots for nonbonding electrons
Lewis Structures Determine number valence electrons Arrange atoms around a central atom with single bonds Usually least electronegative element excluding H Fill in octet for outer atoms Fill in octet for central atom If not enough to fill central atom’s octet, make multiple bonds to central atom
Example CO2 16 valence electrons O C O
Lewis Structures Polyatomic Ions O N O O
Lewis Structures Exceptions to Octet Rule More than octet Less than octet Odd number of electrons
Lewis Structures SF6 F F F S F F F
Lewis Structures BF3 F B F F
Lewis Structures NO N O
Formal Charge Calculated quantity used to determine the validity of Lewis structures For each atom, # of valence electrons – (nonbonding e- + ½ bonding e-) C N H
Formal Charge Best Lewis Structures Have fewest and/or smallest charges Negative charge on most electronegative element
Formal Charge Example -1 S O H +2 S O H -1
Lewis Structures Benzene, C6H6 H C
Lewis Structures Benzene, C6H6 H H C C H C C H C C H H
Resonance Two or more equally valid, but different Lewis Structures Differ only in the position of the electrons Use double headed arrow between resonance structures
Resonance for Benzene Either structure would suggest Double bonds should be shorter than single bonds Electrons are localized between carbon atoms
Resonance for Benzene Experimental evidence shows All bonds are equal in length Length halfway between single and double bond Electrons are “delocalized” Spread around ring equally
VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Model accounts for the shape of the molecule Lewis Structures don’t always show proper shape Electron groups repel each other and try to spread as far apart as possible Electron groups (domains) are lone pairs, single bonds, double bonds, and triple bonds
Electron Geometry There are 5 different possible arrangements around a central atom 2 electron groups up to 6 electron groups
Electron Geometry 2 electron groups around a central atom Electron groups on opposite sides Bond Angle of 180° Linear Shape
Electron Geometry 3 electron groups around a central atom Bond Angle of 120° Trigonal Planar
Electron Geometry 4 electron groups around a central atom Tetrahedral Bond Angle of 109.5° Tetrahedral
Electron Geometry 5 electron groups around a central atom 3 equatorial, 2 axial Equatorial angle of 120°, axial angle of 90° Trigonal bipyramidal
Electron Geometry 6 electron groups around a central atom Octahedral Bond angle of 90° Octahedral
Molecular Geometry Molecular Geometry is defined by the position of the bonded atoms in the molecule, not the lone pairs All binary molecules are linear Lone pairs still impact the shape due to their repulsion Same electron geometries may have different molecular geometries
Molecular Geometry Bent 3 electron groups, 2 bonding & 1 lone pair SO2 4 electron groups, 2 bonding & 2 lone pairs H2O
Molecular Geometry Trigonal Pyramidal 4 electron groups, 3 bonding & 1 lone pair NH3
Molecular Geometry Seesaw 5 electron groups, 4 bonding & 1 lone pair SF4
Molecular Geometry T-shaped 5 electron groups, 3 bonding & 2 lone pairs BrF3
Molecular Geometry Linear 5 electron groups, 2 bonding & 3 lone pairs XeF2
Molecular Geometry Square Pyramidal 6 electron groups, 5 bonding & 1 lone pair BrF5
Molecular Geometry Square Planar 6 electron groups, 4 bonding & 2 lone pairs XeF4
Bond Angles Angle between 2 atoms bonded to a central atom Other bonds and/or lone pairs in the molecule affect bond angle
Lone Pairs Electrons in a lone pair take up more space than bonded atoms due to repulsion between the electrons Multiple bonds also take up more space
Larger Molecules For larger molecules, we talk about the geometry around individual atoms
Valence Bond Theory Orbitals must overlap in order for atoms to share electrons and bond together
Internuclear Distance Balancing of attraction between nuclei and electrons with repulsion between electrons Nuclei repel each other if atoms get too close together
Internuclear Distance
Bonding Carbon has an electron configuration of 1s22s22p2 Carbon only has 2 unpaired electrons Carbon should only make 2 bonds
Hybrid Orbitals Orbitals can hybridize to form new equal orbitals Able to form more bonds Carbon mixes 2s and all 2p orbitals to make 4 equal sp3 hybrid orbitals
Hybrid Orbitals
Hybrid Orbitals
Hybrid Orbitals
Sigma and Pi Bonds There are 2 ways that orbitals can overlap to form bonds Sigma bonds Pi bonds
Sigma (σ) Bonds Head to head overlap All single bonds are sigma bonds
Pi (π) Bonds Side to side overlap Multiple bonds have both sigma and pi bonds Double bonds 1 sigma, 1 pi Triple Bonds 1 sigma, 2 pi
Multiple Bonds
Multiple Bonds
Metallic Bonding Bonding in metals is due to highly mobile valence electrons Delocalized electrons Metal nuclei and inner (core) electrons act as a cation, keeping the valence electrons within the sample Ability of the electrons to move throughout the entire sample give metals their unique properties
Metallic Bonding Metallic Properties Conductivity of heat and electricity Malleable Ductile
Alloys Metallic material that is composed of more than one element More rigid, less malleable and ductile than pure metal Two types Substitutional Interstitial
Substitutional Alloy One metal atom takes the place of original metal atom Brass, Bronze
Interstitial Alloys Small, often nonmetallic, atoms fit in between the metal atoms in a crystal Steel