Three domains and Five kingdoms Prokaryote There are two types of cells: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells have no membrane bound organelles. This means (among other things) that the cell’s DNA molecule isn’t enclosed in a membrane. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells loop of DNA
Prokaryote Eukaryote loop of DNA strands of DNA nucleus Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles. The DNA molecules are enclosed in a membrane. This structure is called a nucleus.
In the five kingdom system of classification, the prokaryotes were placed in the Kingdom Monera. Eukaryote Kingdom Monera
Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia In the five kingdom system of classification, the eukaryotes were divided into four kingdoms: the Protista, the Fungi, the Plantae and the Animalia. Prokaryote Eukaryote Kingdom Monera Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia
Biologists realised that there were some bacteria in the kingdom Monera were more closely related to the eukaryotes than other bacteria. The kingdom Monera was divided into two domains: the Bacteria and the Archaea. Prokaryote Kingdom Monera Domain Bacteria Archaea
Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia The other four kingdoms (Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia) were placed together in the domain Eukaryota. Prokaryote Eukaryote Kingdom Monera Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia Domain Bacteria Archaea Domain Eukaryota