Leadership Structure for CIAG Marvell College: Provider Access Policy Introduction This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. student entitlement All students in years 7-11 are entitled:· to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events; to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. Management of provider access requests Procedure A provider wishing to request access should contact Ashley Chapman; Career Leader & DSL – Assistant Head, Telephone: 01482 799132; Email: Achapman@themarvellcollege.com Opportunities for access A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers: HALF TERM 1 HALF TERM 2 (NOVEMBER – DECEMBER) HALF TERM 3 (JANUARY – FEBRUARY) HALF TERM 4 (FEBRUARY – MARCH) HALF TERM 5 (APRIL – MAY) HALF TERM 6 (JUNE – JULY) Year 7 (GB 2/3) Form Time Careers Activity Learning from career and labour market information - 1 week (3 mornings in that week) students will complete careers introductory unit. This looks at matching students interests/values to chosen careers and then allows them to explore wages, Labour Market information projections, live vacancies, working hours, qualifications needed. (GB 3) Careers Lesson – Addressing the needs of each student Departments will deliver a ‘Careers lesson’ in curriculum time. This will be used to inspire students and raise awareness of the variety of careers that are linked to their subject. Therefore connecting learning to ‘real life’. (GB 8/3) Parent Tutor Day Parents, students and Personal Tutors meet to give personal guidance and discuss the students well-being. Part of this meeting is a conversation and advice around developing and enjoyment of subjects leading to option process in year 8. (GB 5/7) National Careers / Apprenticeship Weeks (March) – Guest speakers will deliver presentations to pupils from the six sectors described as ‘thriving’ within Hull LEP. These are engineering (STEM), Ports and logistics, Business and retail, Visitor economy, Manufacturing and Health and Social Care. students will complete form time activities. Resources to be differentiated for each year group to give a better understanding of the local labour market. (GB 8) Personal Tutor Meeting All students will receive their third Personal Tutor Meeting. The focus will be on beginning discussion about their option subject choices. (GB 4) Form time activities focused around STEM.- Linking the curriculum learning to careers. A series of guest speakers to deliver presentations on STEM careers and activities YEAR 8 Y8 September ‘Careers’ assembly - Addressing the needs of each student. This will be run by SLT link to Careers. This will be to inform the cohort that GCSE options will take place after Christmas and the importance of researching the type of subjects that are needed for their intended career path. Departments will deliver a ‘Careers lesson’ in curriculum time. This will be used to inspire students and raise awareness of the variety of careers that are linked to their subject. Therefore connecting learning to ‘real life’. This is in preparation for the Y8 Options process next term A day in the life of NHS – Students visit Hull Royal Infirmary to experience the roles of doctors, nurses and other NHS staff. Parents, students and Personal Tutors meet to give personal guidance and discuss the students well-being. Part of this meeting is a conversation and advice around the Option choices for Y8 Year 8 assembly schedule continues (both subject delivery and specific guidance). (GB1/3/4/5/7) PSHE – The Options Process. PSHE lessons targeting careers to support the upcoming options process. Career paths linked to subjects Y8 Options evening Options evening for all parents and students, this will include information presentations by the leadership team and the opportunity to visit core and option subject areas and speak with teaching staff. Presentations will be focused on informed choices and requirements/demands of GCSE’s and BTEC pathways. All students will receive their third Personal Tutor Meeting. The focus will be on completing their option subject choices. Green Power/Airco to deliver presentation on STEM activities. YEAR 9 1 week (3 mornings in that week) students will complete careers introductory unit. This looks at Key Assembly – students shown the schools Careers Portal and CIAG page on the schools website. students will be shown the careers portal and links on the website that include national careers advice. This will help students think about the upcoming options process. (GB 1/2) Careers letter/pamphlet sent home Letter sent home to all year groups that signposts students and parents to the careers Section of the school website. This document will inform all how to use the various websites for independent careers guidance. (GB 4/5/7) Career Lesson Girls into Engineering inspiration day (STEM) KS4 girls access a full day of STEM talks and careers fair at Hull Guildhall (GB 3/7) Higher education day at Hull University (ACE DAY). All year 9 students visit Hull University for the full day. The purpose of the day is to raise students’ awareness of: The accessibility of Higher Education (HE) The opportunities offered by HE in terms of study and personal development The opportunity HE provides for an exciting, challenging and varied learning experience The difference between school and HE The variety of routes into HE The positive outcomes of HE through qualification, enhanced opportunities and personal development Green Power/Airco/Phillips to deliver presentation on STEM activities. YEAR 10 (GB 2/3/4) 1 week (3 mornings in that week) students will complete careers introductory unit. This looks at Assembly – Work Experience Assembly on the different types of work experience there are in Hull (based upon previous placements). Key focus on challenging stereotypes e.g. women in STEM (GB 5/8) Personal Tutor Meeting – Personal guidance All students will receive their first Personal Tutor Meeting. The focus will be on preparing to research work experience placements. PSHE – Work Experience Students to complete a PSHE session on the work experience process for July. Key speakers will involve Shamrock who co-ordinate the Health and Safety aspect of all placements. Parent evening Information evening for parents regarding work experience. (GB 4/5/8) Parent Tutor Day – Personal guidance Parents, students and Personal Tutors meet to discuss the students well-being. Part of this meeting is a conversation and advice around the work experience placements Health and Social Care Talk Sixth Form students and staff present to students on the A-Level subject of Health and Social Care and what careers it can lead to Yorkshire and Humber Skills event located at ‘The Venue’ Skills Yorkshire & The Humber brings young people from the area face to face with employers, training providers, colleges, universities and professional bodies. All year 10 students will attend this event to raise aspirations, motivate and inspire the next generation using hands-on demonstrations and activities (GB 7/1/3/5) Oxbridge Assembly for identified students – Students receive key information on universities and particularly Oxford and Cambridge and how to apply Work Experience Assembly Shamrock deliver a final assembly on work experience, including handouts for parents (GB 1/5/6/8) Work Experience Week Students complete a weeks work experience with their employer. Pupils areable to self-canvass placements for the area of work they are interested in. All students receive a visit from a member of staff. Work Experience Reflection morning Students complete their work experience booklets with their tutors and use as evidence for their post-16 options next year YEAR 11 (GB 1/8) On-going throughout the year: Face to face interviews with feedback in preparation for further education/apprenticeship/work interviews. Assembly: UCAS Team co-delivery with the schools Sixth form students will receive an extended assembly to raise aspirations by a member of the UCAS team. Students will be shown information about different routes then can follow after their time at The Schools and where they can find out more information about them. Assembly: Vocational and apprenticeships 1 – We will invite a guest speaker (national apprenticeship service) to talk about apprenticeships and traineeships to the cohort and signpost where to find out relevant information. Both assemblies must talk about ‘raising the participation age’ and remaining in education until the age of 18. Both assemblies must promote STEM relating careers and options. (GB 1/3/4/5/7/8) Personal Tutor Meeting – personal guidance All students will receive their first Personal Tutor Meeting. The focus will be on preparing to research post-16 Colleges and Apprenticeships Careers Fair students attend our annual careers fair. students will have the opportunity to speak with over 20 different providers of post -16 education and training. They will receive bespoke advice and guidance. aspiring futures will also be present to offer impartial IAG. Careers Meeting SEN, LAC, Risk of NEETs, PP have their first careers meeting with the careers officer. They are given their own personalised career path which key actions to research with their Personal Tutor Assembly: Vocational and apprenticeships 2 – We will invite a guest speaker (local apprenticeship thriving area) to talk about apprenticeships and traineeships to the cohort and signpost where to find out relevant information. PSHE – Log On Move On Students start to research and complete their details on the Log On Move On software ensuring their details are with HCC and post-16 providers have been contacted (GB 1/3/7/8) Students complete their applications on the Log On Move On software. Parents, students and Personal Tutors meet to discuss the students well-being. Part of this meeting is a conversation and advice around the student’s post-16 offer All the remaining Year 11 students receive their careers meeting. Ensuring they have applied for the relevant post-16 provision Hull University trip Students spend ½ day at Hull university accessing key information about university life, how to apply, subjects and grades for particular courses. Assembly: Vocational and apprenticeships 3 – We will invite a guest speaker (local apprenticeship thriving area) to talk about apprenticeships and traineeships to the cohort and signpost where to find out relevant information. Sixth Form students from SMC and staff present to students on the A-Level subject of Health and Social Care and what careers it can lead to (GB 7) SEN, LAC, Risk of NEETs, PP have their second careers meeting with the careers officer. They apply for their post-16 provision. Assembly: Vocational and apprenticeships 4 – We will invite a guest speaker (local apprenticeship thriving area) to talk about apprenticeships and traineeships to the cohort and signpost where to find out relevant information. (GB 1/7/8) Mini careers fair for risk of NEET students - Mini careers fair which will take place in the Library for students who will not meet entry requirements for the schools Sixth Form. We will invite apprenticeships and traineeships providers and other local colleges into school and take students off time table for the afternoon. students will be taught interview skills and given more directed advice on form filling in applications and writing CV’s. Destinations data finished for current Y11 cohort KS4 Results day – Post-16 providers and the KS4 team will be available to support students, provide guidance and inform them about next steps. The Gatsby benchmarks set out a framework for schools to deliver ‘good careers guidance’ to their students. The benchmarks below are fully implemented into our strategy Leadership Structure for CIAG Marvell College Careers Advice and Guidance 2018 Ashley Chapman SLT - Careers Leader Evaluation and Impact Register and Liaise with a Career and Enterprise advisor Complete compass benchmark assessment each year (review of strategy) Annually: Use tracker/planner tool to action plan from compass assessment Fortnightly meeting help with member of SLT to monitor progress of strategy Focus on breaking gender stereotypes. E.g.STEM for women Departments to provide one interaction with a employer linked to their career each year during curriculum time. Any trips need logging on SMSC tracker and evaluating by departments Pupil voice Destinations data for Y11 Lewis Mitchell Jess Holmes HOY 7 Tommie Lynch HOY 8 Amy Wiles HOY 9 Abigail Barley HOY 10 Rebecca Johnson HOY 11 Destinations data 2017 - 2018 2016-17 – No NEETs – see separate excel sheet for location 2015 – 2016 – No Neets The 6 sectors that are described as ‘thriving’ within the Hull LEP We have implemented exposure to employers from these areas into our strategy. Manufacturing Ports and Logistics Business & Retail Visitor Economy Engineering Health and Social Care