Experience of education of new generation of young scientists in the field of sea and polar researches 1 Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), Russia, 2 Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), Germany, 3 Afred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany, 4 Sankt Petersburg State University, Russia Timokhov 1 L.A., H. Kasssens 2, I.V. Fedorova 1, J. Hoelemann 2,3, N.V. Kaledin 4, S.M. Pryamikov 1
Ice drift Atmospheric circulation Area of Laptev Sea System Pacific Water Atlantic Water River runoff Russian-German Cooperation in Polar and Marine Sciences Since 1991 Russian and German scientists have jointly investigated the environmental history of the Siberian Arctic German-Russian program Laptev Sea System includes: 1.Marine project Global Change in Eurasians Arctic Seas: frontal zones and polynyas in the Laptev Sea 2. Terrestrial project Samoylov Island Laboratory: Hydro-biological investigations in the Lena Delta and polygonal lakes 3. German-Russian projectOtto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Sciences
Main goal: TO STUDY FRONTAL ZONES, POLYNYA SYSTEMS AND ATHERS AS INDICATORS OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY THE LAPTEV SEA REGION MAJOR TARGETS: IDENTIFY THE COPLEX PHISICAL PROCESSES THAT ARE DRIVING CHANGES IN THE NATURE OF THE MARINE ENVIROMENT IN THE LAPTEV SEA ASSES COSEQUENCES OF A CHANGING PHISICAL ENVIROMENT FOR ARCTIC ECOSYSTEMS AND COMMUNITIES 1.Project Global Change in Eurasians Arctic Seas: frontal zones and polynyas in the Laptev Sea Laptev Sea Flaw Polynya Kapitan Dranitsyn: Laptev Sea, 1995 MAJOR DELIVERABLES Elaborate a conceptual model of the complex estuaries-seas-Arctic Basin- atmosphere system Creation of models of marine systems as the basis for diagnosis and long-range prediction of the change in the state of the Arctic Seas.
2. Terrestrial project Samoylov Island Laboratory: Hydro-biological investigations in the Lena Delta and polygonal lakes Main goals: Hydro-biological investigations in the Lena Delta and polygonal lakes (AARI, LDR) Geomicrobiology in Periglacial Regions: Carbon Dynamic and Microbial Communities Sensitivity of the permafrost system under a changing climate A multiscale perspective carbon cycle in polygonal lakes nitrogen cycle and microbial processes Ice complex, Lena Delta, 2000
Paleoclimate project Main goal: Paleoclimate investigation of lgygytgyn Lake in Chukotka
Goals to promote the progress of research and closer cooperation with scientists from Russia and Germany to develop analitical base for analyses of water, soil and biological samples to support highly qualified Russian scientists in polar and marine science to educate studets (POMOR-program) and young scientists organizing summer-schools, training work- shops, science meetings to initiate and coordinate international research projects 3. GERMAN-RUSSIAN OTTO SCHMIDT LABORATORY FOR POLAR AND MARINE SCIENCES In 2000, the OSL was opened at the State Research Center of the Russian Federation the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in Saint Petersburg. It is named after the Russian polar researcher Otto Yulievich Schmidt, who conducted several polar expeditions during the 1920s and 1930s. The Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research (OSL) is a milestone in Russian-German cooperation in the field of Arctic research.
STRUCTURE OF OSL To fulfill its tasks in research and education, the OSL is equipped with a state-of-the-art laboratory for polar and marine research, computer workstations incl. periphery and an international library. Meetings and workshops of up to 15 participants can be accommodated. The OSL project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, and the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR). More information:
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Analytical work: Sublimation, hormonization; geochemical analysis Spores and pollen analysis ; the macrofossil analysis; Identification of biogenic elements ; analysis of carbon and nitrogen content and so on Analytical equipment: Ionochromotograph Autoanalyzer for nutrients, SKALAR, System Microscope, OLIMPUS SZ-9, System Microscope, OLIMPUS BX-60, C/N Analyzer Laboratory Fluorometer TD – 700 And others (more than 15)
Computer center 12 Computers 3 Laptops 2 Servers 2 Multimedia Projector Plotter Printers Fax Scanners Library Books Journals E-library resources
Joint projects, Expeditions
OSL Fellowship Program The scientific subject has to be focused on the problems related to the Russian-German joint scientific projects. The fellowship program pairs master students, graduated research assistants, and postdoctoral fellows with experienced mentors and challenges them to participate in ongoing research projects. Research projects (RP) are selected and approved by OSL Advisory Board (OAB) and financially supported by BMBF. An individual RP are accomplished by a principal investigator and 1 or 2 young scientists (Ph.D. students or students). Additionally the Russian experts can be granted in order to work out some specific problems in frame of the RP. These grants provided by OSL will help to involve the leading scientists into the Laboratorys work. The issue of the grants is considered by OAB during its annual meetings. The grants have one-year duration. This time can be prolonged up to tree years for the executors of the RP. The existing bilateral projects in polar and marine sciences already provide an excellent base for the laboratory.
OSL Fellowship-2010 Totally 16 proposals have been applied for competition and 40 members. According to competition results 13 teams (Principal Investigator + 2 PhD students or students) and 3 individual projects have been granted from: State Hydrological Institute, St.Petersburg St.Petersburg State University Moscow State University Paleontological Institute RAS, Moscow P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow VNIIOkeangeologia, St.Petersburg Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet V.I.Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok White Sea Biological Station, Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg Rekant P., Tumskoy V., Khasanov, P.: The offshore permafrost evolution in Laptev Sea after the Holocene transgression. A combination of the high-resolution seismic and onshore drilling approaches. Taldenkova, E., Stepanova, A., Ovsepyan, Y.: Late Holocene climate variability in the Laptev Sea area: Do benthic assemblages document it? Polyakova, Ye., Klyuvitkina, T., Razina, V.: Microfossil records from the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of the Laptev Sea: Summary of results. Kirillov, S., Makhotin, M., Novikhin, A.: Long-term variability of environmental properties in the Laptev and East Siberian seas shelves caused by the recent changes of the large-scale atmospheric circulation over the Arctic. and others.
Work with young Scientifics Summer School Training courses (analytical equipment) E-library course POMOR master program
International Meetings Conferences Visits of VIP Ministry bilateral meetings
More then 250 scientists from 16 research institutions and universities in Kazan, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Yakutsk participated in the OSL fellowship program since Fields of research: meteorology, oceanography, marine chemistry, biology, and geosciences. More then 300 scientific articles have been published and 600 talks and posters have been presented at scientific conferences. 70 fellows participated in the visiting scientists program. From participants of the OSL fellowship program by this time 3 are examined on second doctor's degree and 18 PhD theses, 5 are examined on magister dissertations, 17 continue training in postgraduate study. S.Berezovskaja in 2001 as the best graduate of HIGH SCHOOL, has received the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for one year for improvement of professional skill in Germany. A.Stepanova in 2003 has received a gold medal of the St.-Petersburg state university for the best degree work. T.S.Kljuvitkina in 2008 has received the research grant of the President of the Russian Federation ( МК ) for support of young Russian scientists for the project on a theme «Evolution ice-hydrological and sediment conditions in the seas of east sector of the Russian Arctic regions (Laptev, East-Siberian, Chukchi Seas) in the conditions of global climatic changes and sea level fluctuations». Funding Russian and German Ministries for Education and Science, AARI, AWI, IFM-GEOMAR Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research
What happened in the Arctic Summer 2007? North Pole, Motivation Were is she? On the North Pole in winter? In the Barents Sea in summer?
(in Kerr et al., 2002) The Arctic Ocean ice Cover in summer 2050 The Arctic Ocean without ice cover? Major areas of oil and gas development and potential development in the Artic, and major shipping routes and possible new routes through Arctic waters [AMAP, 2006] What may happen with the Arctic infrastructure? Coupled climate models predict a dramatic decrease of the ice cover, which could result in a nearly ice free Arctic Ocean at least during summer at the end of this century.
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