Sanitation Study and Wastewater Network System AL Tayba Village Ahlam Mahameed Submitted to: Dr. Sameer Shaded
Objectives: 1- Evaluation of the sanitation situation of Al-Tayba village 2- Design a sewer network system using SewerCAD 3- Conceptual design of a wastewater treatment process
Study Area Al-Tayba is located in the north of the West Bank, 18 km northwest of Jenin city. It has a population of 2407 person The village is a hilly area, and drain into two wadis The climate is subtropical with rainfall limited to the winter months
Household All the houses are individual, with area ranges from 90-200 m² The average of household members is 6 persons per family About 66% are in medium economical situation
Water Supply The average water consumption ranges from 5-25 m3 / month The main water Supply is the municipality water The average water consumption ranges from 5-25 m3 / month Rainfall collection cistern and village spring
Wastewater System: There is no wastewater collection System Cesspits are used for wastewater disposal
Solid Waste About 15 m3 of solid waste are generated by AL Tayba village every day The solid waste are transported to Zahret AL Finjan Sanitary Landfill There is no solid waste containers in the village
Designing the Sewer Network Contour map for the village Detailed plan of the village, including houses, main streets The population data from the PCBS The water consumption from the village council. The collected data through the questionnaire .
2- Network Design: Estimate the manhole loads: 1- The area served by each manhole is labeled 2- Calculating the load for each manhole 3. Determine the manhole locations
The design constraints: The velocity range 0.6-3 m/sec The cover range from 0.8-4 m The slope varies from 1-12%
Wastewater Treatment Plant The first option: use the following units: Screen, Grit Chamber and Primary Sedimentation Tanks. The second option: Use the following units: Screen, Septic tank and Sand Filter.
WWTP Area: The required area for WWTP is 550 m² It is required 320 m² for the treatment units and 230 m2 for operation units
Conclusions Total number of manholes: 124 manholes All pipes are 8“ diameter UPVC The velocity varies between 0.4-1.51 m/sec The cover on the manhole varies between 0.83-2.53 m The maximum distance between manholes do not exceed 80 m The total length of the pipes are equal to 3.5 km
According to the designed sewage system there are two alternatives: 1- Two separate local WWTPs with preliminary and primary treatment. 2- One pumping station and one WWTP.
Recommendations it is strongly recommended to establish a sewage system for Al Taybeh. It is also recommended to create an awareness towards the reuse of wastewater in agriculture .
Thank You