What is resilience?
My Skills
Resilience Through the ‘My Skills’ sessions, the students are going to undertake specific targeted sessions based on their own resiliency scores. This is part of their curriculum and there is no element of choice around the activities. There will also be no work-room on Fridays. Sessions are to be planned and there will be specific learning objectives. Student progress will be monitored through the students’ reflective journals, staff observations and the students’ self assessment.
Resilience through adventure and challenge Core skills – Learning from mistakes, overcoming difficulties, seeking help Activity – extreme sports This activity will encourage students to take risks and push themselves to their limits. The sports will be full of challenges with obstacles that they will need to develop these resiliency skills to overcome. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through adventure and challenge Core skills – Self -Efficacy, Trust, Seeking help from others, Recovery Activity – Skiing This activity will encourage students to take risks and push themselves to their limits. The skiing will be full of challenges and will target students with low levels of trust and recovery. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores
Resilience through adventure and challenge Core Skills – trust, risk taking and self-control Activity - Diving This activity will encourage students to take risks and push themselves to their limits, so that they can manage feelings of fear to literally leap into the unknown. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through team sports Core Skills – recovery, communication, working collaboratively, optimism Activity – Team building This carousel of team building will encourage students to work with each other to succeed. Each activity will develop the skills in students to overcome their own barriers that isolate them from others to learn that through working together they can achieve joint success. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through self-control and appreciation Core Skills – savouring, self-control, determination, sticking at something Activity – Natural Horsemanship This activity is about endurance and the ability to develop the skills to relax, persevere and set personal achievable targets that they strive to achieve. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through Problem Solving and Goal Setting Core Skills – Self - efficacy, determination, bouncing back Activity – Creative Media This activity is about the ability to take on a problem and work collaboratively to resolve it. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through Problem Solving and Goal Setting Core Skills – Self - efficacy, determination, bouncing back Activity – Building to Succeed This activity is about the ability to take on a problem and work collaboratively to resolve it. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.
Resilience through optimism, goal setting and self esteem Core Skills – goal setting, optimism, trust, confidence Activity – School Band This activity is about developing a positive approach to their own skill set, persevering, taking emotional risks and setting personal achievable targets that they strive to achieve. Students on this activity have been selected in line with their resiliency scores.