Connects & Reviews
Connects & Reviews
Boys Girls Team markers competition: Write down as many full names of staff at Rossett as you can remember!
First Letter, Last Letter In groups, one person starts off with a celebrity name The next person must say a celebrity name that starts with the letter the previous celebrity ended on… E.g. David Beckham, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Regan
In pairs, take it in turns to come up with a person or object. You partner should ask questions to find out who/ what you may be. You can only answer yes or no!
Consequences Pupils at the front of each row in the classroom are given a piece of paper and need to start off a piece of writing, fold it over and hand it to the people behind. First row to have fully completed work win. Pupils at the back should read out their row’s work. Could be used to set structures/ expectations
Share New Information Flipped learning Research-QR codes/structured question sheets (Comiclife) Learning mats Detectives Info-Info-Trade Information packs Fill in the gaps Order key information Experts/ coaches Teacher talk Vocab/ key term treasure hunts Videos Practicals Demonstrations
Search for Meaning Why questions Challenge tasks- cards/ vouchers Definition provided- what does it mean? Real world links/ case studies Highlighting in context Finding vocab Rally robin Application tasks Practicing/ repetition Research-QR codes/structured question sheets
Demonstrate Understanding Debates Quizzes Case studies Role plays News readers Create videos Comic strips Presentations Question strips Application to different context Quiz quiz trade Tough multiple choice Peer coaching Write a newspaper/magazine article Facebook/Twitter profile Interview Just a minute Self-assessment Fan ‘n’ pick Homework Questioning Starting sentence
Kagan Structures Think pair share Stroll pair share Write pair share Rally robin Round robin Write round robin Numbered heads together Quiz quiz trade
Challenge Cards
Demonstrate Understanding Share new information : Buddhist Worship Learning Outcomes: Extension Answer the following question in your book: How do you think understanding the four truths influences the way a Buddhist lives his/her life? MUST: be able to identify the 4 noble truths SHOULD: understand and explain the 4 noble truths COULD: apply the truths effectively to how a Buddhist lives their life nect Demonstrate Understanding Using the first QR code, create a popplet about each of the 4 noble truths. Connect Complete the word search on Buddhist key terms Can you tick off LO2? Search for meaning Scan the QR code to watch the video to consolidate your knowledge… Review Write a tweet about what you have learnt today using #repwithmissb Share new information : Scan the QR code and use the information to summarise in your book: What is meant by the 4 noble truths? Can you tick off LO1? Can you tick off LO3?
International Trade Learning Outcomes: Task 3: Advantages of trade to the UK economy Match the advantage to it’s description. Learning Outcomes: Advantage Description Growth UK citizens can choose from goods not otherwise available in the UK. Income Growing exports means increased production, which leads to higher economic growth. Prices All companies have to work harder to attract customers as there are many more potential competitors. They try to lower prices and develop more attractive and better quality products. Competition and innovation Many of the consumer goods we buy in the UK are imported. These economies have much lower labour costs than the UK and have relatively good levels of technology. They can therefore produce goods more cheaply than UK manufacturers. Raw materials The UK is relatively poor in raw materials so it is essential that we import the materials, e.g. metals, gems and energy. Choice and product differentiation Increased production means more workers are needed and this means more jobs. To be able to identify, describe, explain the importance of trade to the UK economy. Literacy: To use key terms to develop written application skills. Task 1: Connect Find the key terms in the word search: Literacy Task 2: The Importance of Trade to the UK Economy (fill in the blanks) International trade is extremely important to the UK economy, providing a large number of ________. Each country has different raw materials, climates, ________________, labour ____________ etc, which give advantages in producing certain types of goods and services, known as ______________________ advantages. The UK can ____________________ in producing the goods and services that it makes better and more ____________________ than our competitors. The surplus goods are then sold ____________, creating jobs for UK citizens. efficiently abroad skills specialise comparative jobs cultures
Task 4: Disadvantages of trade to the UK economy Scan the QR code below and write down the four disadvantages of trade. 1) 2) 3) 4) Task 5: Social and environmental impact of trade Although we might enjoy cheaper goods and better choice, much international trade carries a high price in terms of environmental impact. We call this impact the carbon footprint. The full carbon footprint of a product comes from a wide range of emissions sources: Direct emissions of CO2- from activities the organisation controls, e.g. using energy for production, running vehicle fleets. Indirect emissions of CO2- the carbon that is emitted in the preparation and transport of the raw materials used, employees travelling to work etc. Task: calculate your own carbon footprint using the QR code below. Stretch and Challenge: Case Study. Write a report in your book analysing how a company of your choice has minimised their carbon footprint. List as many advantages and disadvantages of trade to the UK economy as you can remember.
Random extras… Getting rid of excess energy Miss Birkett says….. Getting rid of excess energy Engaging every student- give a role VARIETY!
Memory Test Write down as many lesson ideas as you can remember in 2 minutes! Literacy Literacy