© Copyright _ Bros Place 2003
The $100 note has been the largest denomination of currency in circulation since The largest bill ever printed was the $100,000 bill; it was actually a Gold Certificate issued in These notes were used for transactions between Federal Reserve banks and were not circulated among the general public. President Woodrow Wilson was depicted on the bill. The $100 note has been the largest denomination of currency in circulation since The largest bill ever printed was the $100,000 bill; it was actually a Gold Certificate issued in These notes were used for transactions between Federal Reserve banks and were not circulated among the general public. President Woodrow Wilson was depicted on the bill.
Blind people come to the ballpark just to listen to him pitch Reggie Jackson commenting on Tom Seaver
A woman goes to the doctor complaining of bad knee pains. After the diagnostic tests showed nothing, the doctor questions her, There must be something youre doing that you havent told me. Can you think of anything that might be doing this to your knees? Well, she said a little sheepishly, my husband and I have sex doggy-style on the floor every night. Thats got to be it, said the doctor. There are plenty of other positions and ways to have sex, you know. Not if Im going to watch TV, there aint, she replied
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