EEA-SDI Development 2011 SES 3
Outline Main objectives of the EEA-SDI project Practical steps for 2011 Plans for 2012
Main objectives of the EEA-SDI project An EEA internal project to support all users of spatial data Improved quality and traceability through Better referencing of existing datasets Better use of existing datasets Better traceability Easier publication of datasets
Practical steps for 2011: Referencing of data Definition of guidelines for metadata Compliant with ISO 19115/19139 and Inspire for discovery services With information needed for publication on the website Set-up of a common repository for spatial data Set-up of a catalogue referencing all data stored in the common repository
Practical steps for 2011: Workflow for inclusion of data into the SDI Proposed workflows to be used when no pre-existing one is in place For data produced under EEA responsibility For data acquired from external sources
For data produced under EEA responsibility
End 2011 – Beginning 2012 Connect the SDI with the external publication Provide an Inspire public catalogue Provide a public catalogue referencing all our datasets