The Colony of Van Island Railway and City of Vancouver


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Presentation transcript:

The Colony of Van Island Railway and City of Vancouver JEOPARDY GAME RULES FINAL ROUND The Oregon Dispute The Colony of Van Island The Cariboo Gold Rush BC and Confederation Railway and City of Vancouver 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

Which 3 countries had an interest in the Oregon Territory? Category A 100 Which 3 countries had an interest in the Oregon Territory?

What is Britain, The United States, and Russia Category A 100 What is Britain, The United States, and Russia

Why did the Hudsons Bay Company not pursue settlement right away? Category A 200 Why did the Hudsons Bay Company not pursue settlement right away?

Category A 200 Their interests were strictly in developing the fur trade in the area. It was simply land for business, not settlement.

Category A 300 What was presidential candidate James Polk’s slogan for his election? Why?

Category A 300 James Polk’s slogan was 54-40 or fight and he said this because he wanted to move the border up from the 49th parallel to 54”40 longitude and latitude, effectively taking over all of what is now BC.

Why was Chief Factor John McLoughlin’s nickname the Father of Oregon? Category A 400 Why was Chief Factor John McLoughlin’s nickname the Father of Oregon?

Category A 400 This was his nickname because he encouraged settlement south of the Columbia River, effectively creating the colony that would soon take over territory the HBC wanted claim to. He moved there after he retired as well.

Category A 500 How were the Russians convinced to agree to stay above the 54-40? What were the parameters of what is now BC?

Category A 500 The Russians committed to a deal with the HBC that would give them access to the land above the 54-40 (Alaska) on the coast as long as they did not go further down the coast. Their settlements would also be supplied with food by the steamship The Beaver.

Category B 100 Why was the Colony of Vancouver Island created and who was its governor?

Category B 100 The Crown Colony of Van. Island was created because the British thought that a more official presence should exist their to protect their interest in the colony. The new governor was James Douglas

Category B 200 James Douglas wanted to give free land to the new settlers on Van. Island. However- what system was put in place instead? Explain the system.

Category B 200 An English class system was put in place by the British government that would force settlers to purchase land per acre with a minimum of 20 acres. Settlers who bought more than 100 had to bring at least 5 people to help work the land?

Category B 300 What defined the ECONOMY of Vancouver Island. Think of what they produced and who they produced it for.

Category B 300 What is: -sea otter pelts for the area and to ship to other nations -Coal discovered in Nanaimo (coal runs ships for the Royal Navy)

Category B 400 Why was a Legislative Assembly created by governor Douglas? Why was it unjust?

Category B 400 A legislative assembly was created because many ex HBC employees were complaining that Van isl. Was like a club for “landed gentry.” He, however, only had 7 elected representatives and only 40 of the 450 citizens could vote-you had to own property to vote.

How much would you like to bet? DAILY DOUBLE How much would you like to bet?

Category B 500 Why would the Douglas treaties have to be made on Vancouver Island. Give 2 reasons why they weren’t fair?

Category B 500 The Douglas treaties needed to be made to free up land for British settlement. They were unjust because many of the citizens did not understand the terms, either because they were not written in fully, or because they could not understand the language…AND they were unfair because what was promised was never upheld.

Category C 100 Before the Cariboo Gold Rush, what two rivers bore the first gold in B.C?

What are the Thompson and the Fraser Rivers? Category C 100 What are the Thompson and the Fraser Rivers?

Category C 200 Douglas knew that with an influx of miners that were mostly American, Van. Island was vulnerable. He reported to the colonial office and what changes were immediately made (3)

Category C 200 What is: -Douglas made governor of NEW CROWN COLONY OF BC -Britain dispatched a team of royal engineers who would provide military presence -They would also survey the area and provide assistance in building roads and towns.

How much would you like to bet? DAILY DOUBLE How much would you like to bet?

Give three reasons why the Cariboo Road was built Category C 300 Give three reasons why the Cariboo Road was built

Category C 300 What is to: 1. Allow easy access to the riverbanks for gold panning 2. To ensure that gold stayed in BC by convenience of road-not to be taken back to the U.S 3. To provide transport to new gold rush towns and encourage settlement.

How much did the Cariboo Road cost and why did it fail overall? Category C 400 How much did the Cariboo Road cost and why did it fail overall?

Category C 400 The Cariboo Road cost 750,000 and it failed because the Gold Rush ended before it could be completed. BC was left with a massive debt and no revenue from gold to pay for it.

Category C 500 Why did the First Nations people of BC suffer because of the gold Rush? (Give 3 facts about this topic)

Category C 500 -First Nations people were infected with Smallpox by the influx of miners that carried the illness. -more than 50% of the First Nations population of BC was wiped out. -more than 80% of the Haida on Haida Gwaii were killed -Small pox was transmitted via blankets that were collected by European traders and sold to other Aboriginal peoples -Europeans burned villages as to get rid of the smallpox infestation and FN populations walked up the coasts trying to find villages to stay in, effectively spreading the infection to other groups. -The smallpox virus can live up to 6 months in contaminated clothing.

Category D 100 What was the cumulative debt of the colony of Vancouver Island and the Colony of BC? Why would it make sense to join together?

Category D 100 The cumulative debt was 1.3 million dollars. It made sense to join because they each had economic strengths to share with each other. They thought this would stabilize the economy and inject cash into the joint colony. BC had the population, the farmland, and the extra settlement potential, and possibility of more gold and Van Island had fishing, sea otter, coal

Who became the governor of the United Colony of British Columbia? Category D 200 Who became the governor of the United Colony of British Columbia?

Category D 200 Governor Seymour

Category D 300 What were the 3 groups that sprung up in reaction to confederation with Canada and what did they stand for?

Category D 300 Annexationists: Wanted BC to join the United States (bigger business opportunities there, more money and power) Confederationists: Wanted to join Canada- thought that Canada offered the best terms Anti-Confederationists: wanted to be indipendent from both Both Britain and the U.S. Didn’t want to be reliant.

Category D 400 What group did the colony of BC vote for? Van Isle? What happened with the annexationists?

Category D 400 BC voted for the Confederationists and Van. Isl voted for the anti-confederationists. The annexationists tried to send a petition to the U.S president but only managed to get 125 signatures out of a pop. Of 3000. There was not enough support for them.

What did BC get for confederating? Explain in detail Category D 500 What did BC get for confederating? Explain in detail

Category D 500 BC received: 1. A railroad from the East to BC that would be started within 2 years and completed within 10 years. 2. BC’s massive debt would be taken on by the Canadian government. 3. A wholy responsible and elected legislature would be in place once confederation was achieved.

What was the battle of the routes? Where did the route end? Category E 100 What was the battle of the routes? Where did the route end?

Category E 100 The battle of the routes was a battle over what route would be picked for the CPR to get to BC. The route ended at New West Minster.

Category E 200 Who was the new Prime Minister and why was he reluctant to build the railway?

Category E 200 Alexander Mackenzie was the new PM and he was reluctant because Canada was now in much more debt, the railway was a dream that was not his, it cost a whole lot, and he didn’t really understand why BC had been given this railway in the first place.

Category E 300 Why was Vancouver unlike other settlements at the time? And why was it hard to get people to settle?

Category E 300 Vancouver was a town that was not created as a result of the fur trade or the gold was just for settlement. It was hard to get people to settle because it was not fed by a major river and was covered in dense expansive forest- not good for settling.

DAILY DOUBLE Place your bets!

DAILY DOUBLE What influence did “Gassy Jack” Deighton have on the colony of Vancouver and the Granville region especially.

Category E 400 Gassy Jack established a saloon close to the Hastings Mill which had been “dry.” The area soon became a centre for new local business and shops. The area was renamed Gastown after its founder.

Category E 500 Why was the CPR terminus in Vancouver moved from Port Moody to Gastown? What major catastrophic event happened right after it was built?

Category E 500 Port Moody was laying on tidal flats which are a low lying marsh. The port could not be here as it was to feed the CPR terminus. Big ships would not be able to dock there. Gastown was found to have a deep water anchorage that would be perfect for big ships. The great Vancouver fire burned all of Van in less than an hour.

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Each group must: a) SIT TOGETHER, and b) Designate a SPEAKER who will respond to the prompts (You will rotate speakers after each question)

The game consists of FIVE categories, each containing FIVE questions

Questions are randomly arranged, NOT by degree of difficulty

Each speaker may select only ONE question per round

Once the selected question is posted on the screen, the SPEAKER of the team has 10 seconds to respond.

The speaker may consult with teammates before responding

During the game, whispering is OK, but LOUD talking and/or disruptions DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

The response should be phrased in the FORM OF A QUESTION The response should be phrased in the FORM OF A QUESTION. (Words, phrases, and statements – even if correct – may be disqualified)

A CORRECT ANSWER earns the team the amount of points indicated on the jeopardy board.

If the speaker does not respond correctly within 10 seconds, the question passes on to the next team speaker, who has 10 seconds to respond.

The number of points for the correct answer at this stage are the same as for the previous team.

Questions that are not answered correctly by the selecting team are offered to the other teams in turn until a correct answer is given or all teams have guessed incorrectly.

For the Daily Double, the speaker designates the number of points – up to the max. points earned by the team. If correct, the team earns the designated points; if incorrect, they lose the designated points.

Again, whispering is OK, but remember, LOUD TALKING and/or DISRUPTIONS DURING THE GAME may result in point loss for the entire team.

The judge’s decisions are FINAL…no pouting

Ready to play?

Final Jeopardy Topic: Putting BC on the Map Please place your bets on a piece of paper. You need to give a number amount UP TO the total points of the highest scoring team. You must hand me your paper with your wager and your team name on it BEFORE the question is shown.

Final Jeopardy Question British Columbia went from an expansive wilderness with the largest population of First Nations peoples, to an up and coming economy and province of Canada. Give as many examples as you can of ways that we made this leap. How did we get ourselves on the map? Best answer takes this section. You have 10 minutes!