Res.Asst. Nurten TERKES, Prof. Hicran BEKTAS Psychometric evaluation of the Diabetes Distress Scale in patients with type 2 diabetes in Turkey Res.Asst. Nurten TERKES, Prof. Hicran BEKTAS Akdeniz University, Faculty of Nursing, Department of Internal Medicine Nursing, Antalya, Turkey 1
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Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin, or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces.
Aim To evaluate; in patients with type 2 diabetes in Turkey as measures of diabetes-related psychosocial symptoms the psychometric properties of the Diabetes Distress Scale
Methods This research was carried out on 170 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of a university hospital in Turkey September 15, 2016 and January 15, 2017
Methods Personal information forms developed by the researchers and the Diabetes Distress Scale were used as the data tools The informed consent was obtained from the patients Descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric tests and exploratory factor analysis were used in data analysis
Results Construct validity Test Sonuç Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.884 Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square df p 3.079 136 0.000 The KMO measure of sampling adequacy was 0.884, exceeding the recommended value of 0.6 and Bartlett’s test of sphericity reached significance (P < 0.001) suggesting adequate sample size and factorability of the correlation matrix. Based on these findings, it was concluded that the dataset was suitable for EFA to identify underlying components.
Results ITEMS FACTORS Emotional and regimen distress M (2) 0.873 M (3) 0.938 M (4) 0.800 M (6)* 0.364 M (7) 0.849 M (8) 0.908 M (10) 0.888 M (12) 0.504 M (14) M (16) 0.904 Health profesional-related distress M (1) 0.925 M (5) 0.936 M (11) 0.869 M (15) 0.831 Diabetes-related interpersonal distress M (9) 0.958 M (13) 0.952 M (17) 0.947 The sixth item of the scale was removed by the expert's recommendation because it was lower than 40%. The exploratory factor analyses yielded a 16 item measure with a three factor solution.
Results Total items Range of scores Mean SD α Emotional and regimen distress 6 9-53 20.26 11.92 0.94 Health profesional-related distress 8 4-24 10.30 6.58 0.92 Diabetes-related interpersonal distress 4 3-17 4.47 3.57 0.96 Total 16 17-88 36.30 1.67 0.91 The internal consistency of each scale was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the DSC-R was 0.91. In addition, all of the subscales surpassed the 0.90 threshold for acceptable internal consistency reliability (α = 0.92–0.96).
Conclusion The Turkish version of the Diabetes Distress Scale was found to be a reliable and valid means to measure diabetes-related psychosocial symptoms in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Thank you… Istanbul