OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction OA Scoutreach Mentoring An Arrowmans Introduction
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction What is Scoutreach? The Scoutreach Division gives special leadership and emphasis to urban and rural Scouting programs. Scoutreach is the BSA's commitment to making sure that all young people have an opportunity to join Scouting, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background.
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Courtesy: US Army Corps of Engineers Scoutreach Strategies Create awareness of Scoutreach. Develop strategic support to ensure that emphasis is funded and pursued in the long term. Develop strategic partnerships with potential chartered organizations in the community. Develop stable units.
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Actively support council efforts to improve and extend Scouting through Scoutreach and related programs. Role of the Order of the Arrow * OA Strategic Plan A Legacy of Servant Leadership
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Reprinted from: A History of the Order of the Arrow What is OA Scoutreach Mentoring? The Order of Arrow Scoutreach Mentoring program is a joint effort of the national Scoutreach Division of the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow. Its purpose is to identify and assist urban and rural Scout troops whose camping and advancement programs are below standard.
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction OA Scoutreach Mentoring Interested arrowmen with strong camping/outdoor skills Scoutreach Units or other units in need of experienced leaders and mentors
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Role of the Lodge Utilize existing lodge service committee or establish OA Scoutreach Mentoring committee to perform the following: Identify Units Develop Master Profile Recruit Mentors Match Mentors to Units Evaluate/ Recognize
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction The lodge created a plan to serve the OA Scoutreach Mentoring program. The plan was approved by the Scout executive or the council Scoutreach committee and was included in the lodge annual report Quality Lodge Requirement 17 Quality Lodge – Requirement 17
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Mentors Responsibilities Complete OA Scoutreach Mentoring application and submit to the lodge committee responsible for the OA Scoutreach Mentoring program Develop an Action Plan in conjunction with the unit leader and unit commissioner Fulfill commitment based on expectations defined in the Action Plan OA Scoutreach Mentoring Application
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction Recognition Upon successful completion of their Action Plan, an OA Scoutreach mentor is eligible to receive the following recognition. First Action Plan: Bronze border patch and certificate Second Action Plan: Silver border patch and certificate Third Action Plan: Gold border patch and certificate
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction What Can I Do? Consider the following: 1.What can the lodge do to encourage Arrowmen to serve as OA Scoutreach mentors? 2.How can the lodge increase awareness of Scoutreach and the OA Scoutreach Mentoring program in their council? 3.What can I do to promote this program and/or participate?
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction What is your personal commitment?
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction LEADERSHIP He alone is worthy to wear the Arrow who will continue faithfully to serve his fellowman. Allowat Sakima
OA SCOUTREACH MENTORING An Arrowmans Introduction