Archiving Activities at Institute of Planetary Exploration (DLR-PE) Thomas Roatsch 16-July-2013
Present and Future Deep Space Projects - Cassini/Huygens (NASA/ESA/ASI) Launch 1997 - Mars Express (ESA) Launch 2003 - Rosetta (ESA) Launch 2004 - Venus Express (ESA) Launch 2005 - Dawn (NASA) Launch 2007 - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA) Launch 2009 • MASCOT (Japan) Launch 2014 • BepiColombo (ESA) Launch 2016 • Exomars (ESA) Launch 2016 and 2018 • InSight (NASA) Launch 2016 • JUICE (ESA) Launch 2022
Archiving Activities All data were and will be archived at PSA and/or PDS No separate German data archive MEX/VEX camera data have been archived directly at PSA and PDS Other mission data have been archived through the PI teams All data from current missions have been archived in PDS3 format All data from feature missions will be archived in PDS4 (ExoMars ????)
MARS Express: High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) Archiving Activities MARS Express: High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) - delivered to PSA and PDS radiometrically calibrated data, map projected images, and Digital Terrain Models - data until orbit 11,453 have been delivered ( 9 years in orbit) Venus Express: Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) - delivered to PSA new version of radiometrically calibrated data - data until orbit 2499 have been delivered ( 7 years in orbit) - 299,899 images
Archiving Activities Cassini: Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) (together with CICLOPS, Boulder) - delivered to PDS global mosaics and cartographic maps of Icy Satellites - data from MI, EN, TE, DI, RH, IA, and PH delivered Dawn: Framing Camera (together with UCLA) - calculated high-level products (mosaics, shape models, color ratios) - not yet delivered to PDS, ongoing discussion about longitude system - two atlases of Vesta released at DLR web page
Archiving Activities Rosetta (a few lander instruments) preparation of archiving process, work on EAICDs Future missions - start of interface discussion - PDS4
VICAR – PDS image converter Current converter from NASA/JPL in JAVA Plan to develop own converter in C++ This new converter shall also convert to PDS4 Are sample images in PDS4 available ? PDS4 map labels ? PDS4 validation tools ?