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Presentation transcript:


Preparation for the Opening Ceremony Have available: Table set with dinner cloth and flowers Lord’s booklet Bible Candle Wine cup Wine or grape juice Loaf of Bread Cheese (optional) Meal already prepared and ready to serve

The Lord’s Day Ceremony

The Lightning of the Candle Song: (Opening Song) Reading: JOHN 1:1-18 JOHN 1:1-5 EPH 1:3-14 COL 1 15-20

Leaders Prayer: Lord of the Universe, in honor of your Son, Light of the World and Author of Life, I am about to perform the duty of kindling the light for the Lord’s day, even as it is written: “ you shall call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable”,

Leaders Prayer: and may effect of our fulfilling this commandment be, that the stream of abundant life and heavenly blessing flow in upon us, that you may be gracious unto us and cause Your Holy spirit to dwell more richly among us.

Father of mercy, O continues your loving kindness towards us Father of mercy, O continues your loving kindness towards us. Make us worthy to walk in the way of your Son, loyal to your teaching and unwavering in love and service. Keep far from us all anxiety, darkness and gloom; and grant that peace, light and joy ever abide in our home; for in You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light. RESPONSE: Amen.

RESPONSORIAL PRAYER (Leader extends his hands toward unlit candle during this prayer) LEADER: Lets us all welcome the Lord’s Day. RESPONSE: May its radiance illuminate our hearts as we enkindle this candle. LEADER: Light is the symbol of the Lord Jesus. RESPONSE: The Lord is my light and my salvation.

RESPONSORIAL PRAYER (Leader extends his hands toward unlit candle during this prayer) LEADER: Light is the symbol of the Lord’s presence with us. RESPONSE: He is the true light that enlightens every man. LEADER: Light is the symbol of the Lord’s purpose and ways. RESPONSE: His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path.

LEADER: Light is the symbol of the mission to which the Lord has called us. RESPONSE: You are the Light of the world; let your light so shine before en that they may see Your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.

Blessing of the Lord’s Day Light

Leader: Therefore, remembering the Lord Jesus Who is the source of all light and life, and united with all our brother and sisters and with all the angels and saints, we enkindle this light. Assistant: (Wife now lights the candle) Blesses are You, o Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who has hallowed us by Your loving word and taught us to kindle the light for the Lord’s Day. Song: (e.g. Light of Christ; Isaiah 60 etc..)

Leader: Father, you have glorified the world by the light of Your Risen Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him You sent Your Spirit into the world to enkindle in us the fire of your love. Grant that we who are gathered n His Name may so live together in the light of His truth that our love for one another may continue to grow each day.

Blessing of the Wine

Leader: Come let us welcome the day of the Lord in joy and peace Leader: Come let us welcome the day of the Lord in joy and peace. Like a Bride, radiant and joyous, comes the day of the lord. It brings blessings to our hearts, workday thoughts and cares are put aside. The brightness of the Lord’s Day light shines forth to tell that the Devine Spirit of Love abides within our home. In that light our grief and trials are softened.

At this a hour, God’s messenger of Peace comes and turns our heart towards one another, strengthening the bond of devotion to that pure and lofty ideal of brotherhood and sisterhood that is found in Holy Scripture. (Here the leader pour the wine into the cup. Holding the cup, be recites the following prayer.)

PRAYER: Lord, through Your Goodness we have this wine, symbol of joy PRAYER: Lord, through Your Goodness we have this wine, symbol of joy. As we enter into this Lord’s Day celebration, we thank You for the blessing of this past few week; for life, health and strength; for home, love and friendship; for the discipline of our trials and temptations through which we are strengthen; for the fruit that has come of our labors.

You have ennoble us O Lord, by the blessing of work, and in your love and kindness you have made us holy by the blessing of rest according to your commandments: “Six days shall you labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.” Response: Amen

(The leader now raises the wine cp and prays the traditional blessing) Blesses are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has created the fruit of the wine. (The cup is now passed around.)

Blessing of the Bread

Leader: (Holding the bread in his hand, says:) Lord, through Your Goodness we have this bread. It is a symbol of our brotherhood and unity, since this one bread comes from many grains of wheat. It is a sign of Your daily provident care and love. As we have this one bread may we also share completely our lives together through of your Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life. Response: Amen

Leader: (Holding up the bread, says the traditional blessing) Blesses are you, o Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who causes the earth to yield food for all. (The bread is now passed around.)

Thanksgiving (As a portion of the bread is taken, each person may give thanks for a particular blessing he/she has received during the past week.) For example: “Blesses are You, O Lord our God, King of he Universe who has given us…”

The lord’s Day Greeting (After thanksgiving prayer are said, all eat the bread together while the leader says the Lord’s Day greeting.) “This is the Lord’s Day—let us be glad and rejoice in it.