What makes a highly significant leader? Leadership What makes a highly significant leader?
Leadership Qualities ???
Examples of highly significant leadership qualities honest forward-looking competent inspiring intelligent humility courage commitment sincerity passion confidence positivity wisdom determination compassion sensitivity integrity People who exhibit these types of behaviours and attitudes tend to attract followers. Followers are naturally drawn to people who exhibit strength and can inspire belief in others.
e3 Program “Leadership Mission” Gain Knowledge & Skills (Through experience) Develop Leadership Qualities Make Informed Decisions (Environmental Issues can be very complex) Act Responsibly (Be a Good Citizen, Teach Others)
Leadership Styles Autocratic This leadership style is more direct and controlling. People tend to be more orientated towards productivity and goals. Their strength is to get things done and make quick decisions. Autocratic leaders take authority and go headfirst in solving problems. They like freedom to manage themselves and others. They tend to measure their success by the items of task/activities they get done.
Leadership Styles Participatory This leadership style requires input from others. People tend to be more concerned about the process of how the decisions are made and that everyone has a voice. Participatory leaders tend to make decisions in a slow, thoughtful process. Generally, these people are good listeners and cooperative.
Leadership Styles Free Rein This leadership style is more relaxed and supportive. People who are free rein tend to be your regular old Joe. Details are not much of a concern, because things will get done. They are comfortable with teamwork and group activities.
What is your leadership style? http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm http://www.gotoquiz.com/leadership_style http://www.yourleadershiplegacy.com/assessment.html http://www.michaelgrinder.com/leadership-style-quiz/ http://www.leadersdirect.com/leadership-style-quiz
What Leadership Is Not “Leadership is not magic. It is not a gift that some people have and others don't. It is not standing back and telling others what to do . It is not belittling or demeaning others who don't do what you tell them to do.”
Leadership essentials Do your homework Know what you want to do Communicate clearly Tell people what to do, not how to do it Seek excellence Lead by example Take care of people Be humble Exhibit good character
A good leader… “A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit”