Algero-Japanese Joint Economic Commitee( 4 th Meeting) Algiers,18 th December 2002 Structural Reforms : Mining, Hydrocarbons and Electricity Sectors Mining, Hydrocarbons and Electricity Sectors Structural Reforms : Mining, Hydrocarbons and Electricity Sectors Mining, Hydrocarbons and Electricity Sectors Presented by M.Khaled Boukhelifa,Director General at the Ministry of Energy & Mines
Government Objectives Optimize and Diversify State Revenues Create Employment p Introduce competition Attract National and International Investors 1
Actions Program (1) Séparate State and Commercial Roles Create Legal and Institutional Frame work p Open and Competitive Market Economy Strong Regulatory Institutions 2
Actions Program (2) Regulate Natural Monopoly No State Garantees(Finances) New Procedures to Grant Contrats 3
Actions program (3) Concession Transport/Storage Facilities ATR Transport/ Storage Facilities Amendments Law/Rules/Companies Statutes : Mining/ Hydrocarbons/ Electricity 4
Develop Mining Potentiel Increase Revenues Create Jobs Incentives : No discrimination between investors Access to information Title Rights Transfer Fiscal System Stability 5 Legal Framework : Mining law
Attract Private Investments Introduction of Competition State Responsible for Public Service Suppression of Monopoly Export of Electricity Legal Framework : Electricity law 6
Attract Investments Increase State Revenues Separate Roles of State and NOC Strengthen Sonatrach Legal Framework : Hydrocarbons law(Draft) 7
Creation of Regulatory Entities Mining Investment Promotion Regulations Enforcement Hydrocarbons Investment Promotion Regulations Enforcement Electricity Electricity and Gas Distribution(CREG) 8
Investment in Electricity Sector Investment (Billions US $99) 12.2 Production of Electricity 5.4 Transport of Gas and Electricity 3.7 Distribution of Gas and Electricity 3.1 9
Investment in Hydrocarbons Sector Investment (billions US $) 22 Upstream 15 T ransport Pipeline T ransport 2 Downstream 5
Implementation of the processus of Reforms(1) Mining: l 160 licences of exploitation of small and medium mines were awarded l Agreement with world known partners for E&E for gold were concluded l The creation of the joint-company (ISPAT) in the field of steel 11
Implementation of the processus of Reforms(2) Electricity&Water desalineation 2000 MW of which 1200 for export with a direct electrical connection Algeria-Spain Similar project interconnecting Algeria to Italy via Sardigna Arzew: Power generation (300MW) coupled to a dessalineation plant( m 3 /d Skikda:Power generation plant 600/ 800 MW Algiers dessalineation plant: m 3 /d 12
Implementation of the processus of Reforms(3) Hydrocarbons New procedures E&P:2phases-easy &transparent process 10 partnership contracts (2001)&10(2002) Direct connections Algeria-Europe - Gazoduc Algeria-Spain:Faisabilité study completed.Second phase 1 st Q
Comparative Advantages of Algeria Associate member of European Union Natural and Human resources Strategic Position Emerging Democracy Well Advanced Reforms Rich Portfolio of Projects Economic Ties with European Countries Adhesion to WTO underway 14