Fig. 6. Ultrastructural changes in the glycocalyx of N Fig. 6. Ultrastructural changes in the glycocalyx of N. vectensis during regeneration.The epidermal microvilli and glycocalyx of untransected (A,C) and regenerating (B,D) polyps is shown at low (A,B) and high (C,D) magnification. Ultrastructural changes in the glycocalyx of N. vectensis during regeneration.The epidermal microvilli and glycocalyx of untransected (A,C) and regenerating (B,D) polyps is shown at low (A,B) and high (C,D) magnification. In the control polyps the microvilli are coated with a dense glycocalyx about 40–50 nm in thickness. Forty-eight hours after transection the microvilli are more abundant; a network of fine filaments spans the space between the microvilli. Spherical elements that resemble virus particles (arrowheads) are found near the microvilli and electron-dense material collects at the edge of the microvilli (arrows). Scale bars = 1 µm (A,B) and 200 nm (C,D). Richard P. Tucker et al. Biology Open 2012;bio.20123103 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd