WAYS HUMANS ALTER THE CARBON CYCLE Big picture: The transformation & movement of carbon between the atmosphere, _________ and __________ ____________, and ___________________. Details: 1) Plants use energy from the sun to convert CO2 into __________ through photosynthesis. 2) It is _______________ to animals which eat the plants. 3) Carbon is released into the atmosphere by _________________, _________________, & burning fossil fuels. Forests also “_________” carbon. WAYS HUMANS ALTER THE CARBON CYCLE ______________________: removing trees that release carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Fewer trees mean less carbon dioxide is being absorbed. ________________________ in industry & vehicles: Carbon is a by-product of combustion. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising. Some say it is contributing to _________ _____________.
WATER CYCLE (Hydrologic) NITROGEN CYCLE Big picture: Large amounts of nitrogen are found in the atmosphere and is _________ for living organisms (nucleotides & amino acids). Details: 1) ______________ bacteria convert Nitrogen (N2) gas from the atmosphere to a form plants can use. 2) Animals get nitrogen by eating plants or other animals. 3) When the organism & it’s wastes ___________, the nitrogen is released into the soil. 4) ___________ bacteria release it to the atmosphere. WATER CYCLE (Hydrologic) Big picture: Water moves between the _______________(oceans & lakes), the _________ (water vapor & clouds) & the _______________ (ground). Details: 1) The sun drives the water cycle & causes ____________of surface water & transpiration from plants. 2) The water vapor _____________ forming clouds & _________________. 3) The water falls as precipitation, where it either sinks into the ground OR it enters lakes/rivers as ________________.
WAYS HUMANS ALTER THE NITROGEN CYCLE THE CYCLING OF MATTER The rate of nitrogen fixation has increased since the 1950s. ___________: contain nitrogen. _________________: releases nitrogen. __________________& ____________: release nitrogen. THE CYCLING OF MATTER BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES: the movement of _________________through ____logical & _____logical (living & nonliving) parts of an ecosystem. *Earth is a closed system. Nothing enters or leaves.
The Cycles of Earth Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Water Cycle