Welcome to Microsoft Office Certification Groundrules and Points of Operation Fall 2014 The Mark of Excellence, Entrepreneurship at New Utrecht High School Spring Semester 2010
No Unauthorized Use of Computers This includes: Using the STUDENT account only, unless otherwise directed Playing games Generating uncalled for sounds/music Personal email / web use Changing desktop configurations Adding or deleting icons of any kind Deleting or copying the work of other students Altering browser configurations Changing the defaults in any program Violation of these rules will result in disciplinary action.
About the Seating in Room 411 Sit in your designated seat and area. Sit up in your chair. Do not move the chairs to another location in the room unless asked to. Do not write on or abuse the chairs. Do not put your feet on the chairs. Stay in your chair during class. Do not get up and walk around.
No Electronic Devices Personal Belongings No cell phones / PDAs / MP3 players No visible headphones and ear plugs. They are to remain put away and out of sight. No texting No charging your electronic devices during class Personal Belongings Do not place your belongings, including coats and backpacks, on machinery. You may be asked to move/remove your belongings at any time. Do not block the isle. Do not leave your personal belongings in Room 309. The school is not responsible for items left in this room.
Be Prepared to Work Every Day Take off your back pack when you get ready to work in this class Bring your notebook & flash drive to class every day Bring pens or pencils to write with every day Bring a pencil for Scantron Exams Do not do work for other classes during class time. This includes reading, computer work, and writing. This room, this work. Raise your hand if you want to speak and wait until you are recognized. No selling candy during class time.
Requirements Notebook/binder with sleeve for handouts Manage your paperwork, including: tests/quizzes, homework, contracts, handouts, your assignments. Attend class. Make up all missed work. Bring a note from home, signed by a parent or guardian, explaining why you missed class. Access class website from home. You are responsible for all assignments you have missed. Save your work on a Flash Drive. Make sure your drive does not contain viruses before you use it here. Look at the White Board / Projector Wall when you come in the room for daily work information. No bathroom during first and last 10 minutes. Hats off during class time.
Keep It Clean! No abusive or foul language is tolerated. No gum. No food. No exceptions. Keep your water bottle away from equipment. Keep your bottle in your bag or on the floor. No graffiti or destruction of property will be tolerated. You break it, you pay for it. Stay in your seat until the bell rings. Clean your immediate desktop area before you leave. At the end of every class: log out, put your chair neatly away. Do not leave garbage in this room: wrappers, bottles, cans, paper, etc. If you bring it in the room, take it with you. Do not throw paper or anything else in class.
For Best Results in This Class Get Serious Focus and listen Read instructions Pay attention Participate. Do the work. Follow Directions and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!
You are always responsible for your own behavior. And finally, You are always responsible for your own behavior. Thank you for your time and consideration. Have a great semester. The Mark of Excellence, Entrepreneurship at New Utrecht High School Spring Semester 2010
Extra Credit Posters for the room Presentations about technology What is it? How is it used? What are its implications? Helping in Room 309 after school Other. What can you suggest?