RDARI Questionnaire Workshop Explain group scope if necessary – Centrally-provided services, mostly focussed on multi-disciplinary research institutions, although it contributions from subject-specific institutions welcome – differences in kinds of services that can be offered centrally. Explain where we’re up to. Started with a number of case studies of different approaches to services and architectures at different universities. Questionnaire is a more systematic approach to taking this forward. Draft questionnaire in place, now at stage of finalizing questions and trying to ensure that they meet real needs and can actually be answered in practice without needing to be passed around the houses. This will be last chance before go-live to have your say.
Purpose of the Questionnaire Comparing policies and practicalities Understanding state of the art within the field Making contact with others using same technologies and solutions Getting ideas on what works from others Mapping developments over time Getting a sense of the range of services Emphasize that its important that the survey helps the community.
Approach http://tinyurl.com/rdari-survey Tasks to be completed in small groups: What aspects of policy/governance work well at your institution(s)? What are the top three questions would your group like to include in the questionnaire? What would you like to get out of the questionnaire? What information would be of most benefit? Any volunteers to test the survey? Divide the room into 4 groups (numbers permitting) with 20 minutes for discussion and reporting back. We’re not assuming prior knowledge of the questionnaire. Other questions: Who in your institution should actually answer the questions? Are there specific questions that could be improved?
Next Steps Final version of survey – here at the RDA Plenary! Select survey tool – April Collecting email addresses – April/May Run survey – May/June Analysis and reporting – July/August Anonymization and data packaging – September Presentation of results – RDA 14 (Espoo, Finland) Publication of data - November Any suggestions for good survey tools that can handle repeated questions relating to multiple services? Emphasize that we’d like support with spreading the work; analysis and reporting.