Its not every day that you get to do something special, but on occasion it happens!
Les jours… Did you notice that when we write the days…. lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche We DONT use gender like all other nouns. To just say Monday, all you have to say is lundi.
Using le… What if you want to express that you do something every Tuesday, or on Wednesdays? To say that something happens every or on a certain day of the week, usele in front of it. Le lundi = every Monday, on Mondays Le jeudi= every Thursday, on Thursdays
Une comparaision Without leWith le lundi (Monday) mardi (Tuesday) mercredi (Wednesday) jeudi (Thursday) vendredi (Friday) samedi (Saturday) dimanche (Sunday) ** Feeling of a single time action. le lundi (every Monday) le mardi (on Tuesdays) le mercredi (every Wed) le jeudi (on Thursdays) le vendredi (every Fri) le samedi (on Saturdays) le dimanche (every Sun) ** Feeling of a repetitive action.
Les exemples… Jai la classe de biologie lundi, mercredi et vendredi cette semaine. I have biology Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week. Jai la classe de biologie le lundi, le mercredi et le vendredi. I have biology every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. NOTICE: repeat le in front of each of the days.