By: Taylor Foster, Chucky McCracken Invasive Species By: Taylor Foster, Chucky McCracken
Gypsy Moth The Gypsy Moth first originated in France They came here in hope that they They have taken out many leaves on trees If you see them you should kill them so no more damage is done
Emerald Ash Borer The Emerald Ash Borer has first originated in Asia This species spread by the transportation of wood pieces. It infested the canopy’s of trees Because of this species it makes wood peckers more active Kills many trees If you see this species you are not to move them but get ahold of the DEC Emerald Ash Borer
ASIAN LONGHORNED BEETLE This species has been originated in China and in Korea It arrived by being in wooden packaging and were transported It bumped out the maple trees It caused us to lose sugar bushes by them taking over We have to take down any tree that has been infested with these before they eat them entirely away
Sirex Woodwasp The Woodwasp is native to Eurasian This moved to America through plantations This caused many forest to be inspected year after year It kills tress with its mucus If seen try to capture and take a picture
Oak Wilt Was first discovered in Wisconsin It spread throughout the Midwest and Texas through beetles This fungus stops the flow of water Causes leaves and trees to wilt Now the DEC takes samples from trees to tell weather or not it has this fungus
Giant Hogweed It Originated from the carrot family, also in the black and Caspian seas Spreads in weeds Very Dangerous don’t touch Spreads around rivers, weeds If seen you should cut the roots of the weed
Eurasian Boar Native to Europe and Asia Escaped from hunting perserves There highly adaptive and destructive hairy pigs Illegal to hunt, or trap them Contact DEC
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Originated in Asia An accident introduction from Japan Feed on trees Eat trees Use chemicals to kill them
Viburnum Leaf Beetle Europe, Asia Migration Eats leaves Destroys trees, leaves Kill them with pesticides
Green Crab Europe Ballast water Impacts soft shell clams Water creatures are affected Evicting cantankerous crustaceans