THE ASK Quick Reference Guide & Program Handbook SCE has engaged POSSIBLE to develop a variety of documents and communications to support the launch of the newly-approved Charge Ready Transport Program. For this portion of the ask, we have been tasked with revising / designing the Quick Reference Guide and the Program Handbook by applying user-first principles to make these documents accessible, appealing, and easy-to-use.
ALIGNMENT ON AUDIENCE Documents in the Customer Journey What we’ll discuss today Fact Sheet A short, enticing high-level overview meant to generate awareness and interest, then drive readers to learn more. Audience: Business Decision Makers (BDMs), EV evangelists Participation Package A more detailed overview of the program a meant to inform prospective customers in the consideration phase. Audience: Business Decision Makers (BDMs) Documents in the Customer Journey In total, there are four main information documents available to customers interested in the Charge Ready Transport program. After reviewing the content, we have made certain assumptions about their purpose and intended audience. Quick Reference Guide An accessible, step-by-step walkthrough designed to help customers navigate the extended installation process after they have decided to apply. Audience: Implementers Handbook The “bible” of the Charge Ready Transport program, this book offers a long-form, comprehensive explanation of the installation process. Audience: Implementers, Legal
OUR APPROACH: USAGE & FORMAT Our assumption is that the Guide and Handbook will be downloaded or emailed, and often printed for reference. To that end: 2 3 1 We will be mindful of the user journey, taking into account digital and printed use- cases, and the user’s ability to access and manage the wide array of associated documents. For example, we may add instructions on how to access and submit documents. We will also consider alternate names for these materials and other documents. We will rely on best practices and accessibility standards for printed material to ensure the optimal experiences for the widest variety of users. For example, we will not rely strictly on clickable links, either for external destinations or navigation within the document. The document will be designed so it can be easily printed. It will be a PDF that is formatted for standard 8.5” by 11” printer paper. We will determine if portrait or landscape is appropriate in the UX and design phase. We will also seek to limit the file size (if possible) to ensure it can be attached in most email clients.
OUR APPROACH: CONTENT Our assumption is that users will refer to the Guide and the Handbook throughout the extended installation process. To that end: 5 6 4 We will reorganize the content to be clear and easy-to use for customers, some of whom may only engage with the program intermittently. To optimize the experience, we will consider alternate naming and content structures. We will also ensure the content in the Guide and Handbook align with other material. We will edit and revise the copy in the previously provided work-in-progress documents to improve readability. Though we will make our best efforts to be accurate, we will still rely on SCE to be the subject matter experts who will provide feedback, fact checks, and a legal review of all content. We will provide an accessible, visually- appealing design that emphasizes clarity and simplicity. The guide will be designed to WCAG 2.0 standards and will align with the latest SCE Brand Guidelines, using appropriate colors, fonts, iconography, and other design elements.
COVER AND APPLICANT INFO Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. Title Page Applicant Info
INTRODUCTION ? Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. An introduction page will establish key program procedures and—as the process continues over an extended time—serve to remind the user (or new administrators ) about these key details later. ? 1) Why are some documents required to be uploaded, and others emailed? Can we standardize this so every document is uploaded? 2) Vanity URL for document page on (See OTHER CONSIDERATIONS) Introduction Concept
PROCESS OVERVIEW ? Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. The process flow will be an important reference for users. It will function as both a walkthrough of the process and a visual outline of the Guide itself, establishing the visual language repeated and referenced throughout. If it can be achieved clearly and simply, we will design this page to also function as a Table of Contents for the guide. If we determine through our explorations that this approach is too confusing, we will include a separate Table of Contents. ? 3) Are we free to consider changing the numbers of the steps? How about the names? (Provided we ensure all program materials are in alignment) Process Flow Overview
CHAPTERS Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. Each phase of the process will be divided into color-coded chapters. The chapter break pages will offer a brief overview of the phase and include the estimated durations. Chapter Breaks
STEPS Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. Each step will be easily identifiable and organized in a consistent, easy-to-follow format. As this guide will be designed for print, the steps may not divide evenly on a one-per-page basis. Example Step
APPENDIX Note: All design and copy is F.P.O. We may opt to include an appendix for other helpful info, like a consolidated document checklist. Example Appendix Page
SCE.COM DOCUMENT PAGE To account for printed use-cases, we will create a new page on with a simple vanity URL so users can access all of the documents linked-to from within the program materials. This page will live on the 4th-level of the site navigation (not on the main menu) nested under the new Charge Ready Transport page currently being developed. Vanity URL suggestions: Conceptual wireframe
SCE.COM DOCUMENT PAGE To account for printed use-cases, we will create a new page on with a simple vanity URL so users can access all of the documents linked-to from within the Guide. This page will be on the 4th-level of the site navigation (not on the main menu) nested under the new Charge Ready Transport page currently being developed. Vanity URL suggestions: Conceptual wireframe
DOCUMENT INVENTORY We are in the process of taking inventory of all the supporting documents and accounting for their mentions and links. We have identified some minor issues we’d like to discuss with a program manager. These include: Naming standards Missing documents Document relevance to program materials To access the live Google Sheet, click here.
NEXT STEPS Today, 4/10: Ken share any feedback on the outlined approach for the Quick Reference Guide & Handbook By 4/12: Ken to schedule time for POSSIBLE to review documents with Program Manager Tues, 4/16: POSSIBLE to share design templates for Handbook Wed, 4/17: POSSIBLE to share work-in-progress Quick Reference Guide Wed, 4/24: POSSIBLE to share final Handbook and Quick Reference Guide Fri, 4/26: Ken to provide final approval / minor revisions requested for Handbook and Quick Reference Guide Wed, 5/1: POSSIBLE to handoff assets to Infosys for publishing