Introduction to the Psalms
Timeline Reign of Saul: 1050/1030 – 1010 BCE Reign of David: 1010 -971 BCE Reign of Solomon: 971- 931 BCE Fall of Judah/exile: 586 BCE Pre-Exilic/Exilic/Post Exilic
Authors David – 73 psalms Asaph – 12 Sons of Korah – 12 Ethan the Ezrahite – 4 Heman the Ezrahite – 1 Solomon – 2 Moses - 1
Key Themes Monotheism Creation and Fall Election and Covenant Covenant Membership Eschatology
Types of Psalms Laments Hymns of Praise Hymns of Thanksgiving Hymns Celebrating God’s Law Wisdom Psalms
Songs of Confidence Royal Psalms Historical Psalms Prophetic Psalms
Structure Book 1: Psalms 1-41 Book 2: Psalms 42-72