Huntsville City Schools: ALSDE Accountability Report Cards January 10, 2019
Overview of Report Cards A single letter grade does not define a school It is merely a single tool for us to use for tracking improvement The District took proactive steps after the first report cards to support schools and improve student performance. Quick Statistics: 32 of 37 schools maintained or improved their score The number of failing schools fell from 12 to 4 The number of schools with an A increased from 2 to 4
ALSDE Report Cards – Score Breakdown Elementary, Middle, & P8 Schools 40% is proficiency on 2017-18 Scantron Test in Reading & Math 45% is growth on 2017-18 Scantron Test in Reading & Math 15% is % of 2017-18 students with less than 15 absences For schools with large EL populations, 5% of score is English Language proficiency growth (Scantron growth is 40% instead of 45%) Chaffee, McDonnell, Morris, Ridgecrest, S. Hereford, Whitesburg
ALSDE Report Cards – Score Breakdown High Schools and District 20% is achievement on 2017-18 Grade 11 ACT Test 30% is growth between 2016-17 Grade 10 Pre-ACT Test and 2017-18 Grade 11 ACT Test 30% is Graduation Rate 10% is College and Career Readiness - % of 2016-17 Graduates who have one of the following: Benchmark score on ACT Benchmark on ACT WorkKeys Passing score on AP or IB exam College course credit while in high school Military enlistment Career Tech Certification 10% is % of 2017-18 students with less than 15 absences For the District, 5% of score is English Language proficiency growth (academic growth is 25% instead of 30%)
ALSDE Report Cards – HCS Score Distribution
Huntsville City Schools ALSDE District Report Card George will put the report card on this slide once we receive it. Do we want to share the breakdown of grades? Comparison of blue ribbon schools- who are the US DOE Blue Ribbon Schools
ALSDE Report Card Breakdown for HCS District Score represents the % of points earned
ALSDE Report Card Scores – High Schools Score represents the % of points earned
ALSDE Report Card Scores – Middle/Jr. Highs Score represents the % of points earned
ALSDE Report Card Scores – P8s Score represents the % of points earned
ALSDE Report Card Scores – P6s Score represents the % of points earned
ALSDE Report Card Scores – P5s Score represents the % of points earned
Our Plan Moving Forward: Student Achievement and Growth Focus Future Indicators of Success Focus group meetings with principals Comprehensive Support Schools Additional Targeted Support Schools Subgroups SMART Goals with principal input Plan implementation Growth mindset Evidence Based Instructional Reviews Stakeholder Communication State of the School Address
Next Steps – Future Indicators of Success