Baby Gunn’s Animal Rescue- Donations Mrs. Haynie’s & Mrs. Lyon’s Peek at the Week May 6th- 10th Spelling Words Important Dates: May 6th Dallas Zoo Trip for kids who raise $100 or more for SJR May 13th & 14th Closed Campus (No Visitors) due to STAAR testing May 16th SJR Bounce House Reward Day **May17th Muffins With Mom 7:50-8:20 in the cafeteria May 17th Yearbook Assembly May 20th Field Day May 21st Career day **May 23rd 2nd Grade Awards Assembly @ 9:00am / Early Release **May 24th Class Parties @ 8:15am!! Last Day of School/ Early Release apple tiger picnic drama teacher monster little perfect corner pilot Dictation Sentences: 1. There was a little monster in the corner of my room. 2. The pilot gave the teacher an apple at the picnic. ** Parents are welcome to attend the activities that are starred. Reading: The Night the Moon Fell Language Arts: Multiple meaning words Social Studies: Cultural Celebrations Science: Life Cyle of a Bee Math: Saving and Spending Baby Gunn’s Animal Rescue- Donations Items that are needed: dog food (canned or dry); pet shampoo; cleaning supplies/bleach; dog beds; flea, tick, & heartworm preventatives; food bowls, etc. Donations will be collected until May 7th. The class that brings the most donation items will win a pizza party!