Private Supplications Recited Upon completing Prayers


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Presentation transcript:

Private Supplications Recited Upon completing Prayers "ALLAHUMMA ANTA SALAAM, WA MINKA SALAAM, TABARAKTA YAA DHAL JALALI WAL IKRAAAM " which means: "O Allah, You are the source of peace and from You comes peace, exalted You are, O Lord of Majesty and Honor." "LA ILAHA ILAL-LAHU WAHDAHU, LAA SHARIKA LAHU, LAHUL-MULKU, WALAHUL-HAMDU, WAHUWA ALAA KULI SHEY-IN QADIIR" which means: "There is no god but Allah, He is one, He has no partner, to Him belongs sovereignty and to Him belongs praise and has power over all things". "ALLAHUMMA A'INNI 'ALA DHIKRIKA, WA SHUKRIKA, WA HUSNA IBA DATIK" which means: "O Allah, help me in remembering You, thanking You and conducting my worship to You in a perfect way" "LAA HOWLA WALAA QUWATA ILLA BILLAAH" which means: "There is no might or power, except from Allah"."LAA HOWLA WALAA QUWATA ILLA BILLAAH" which means: "There is no might or power, except from Allah". SUBHANA -ALLAH - Glory be to ALLAH - (33 times). 2. AL HAMDU-LILLAH- Praise be to Allah - (33 times) 3. ALLAHU AKBAR - Allah is great (33 times). "LAA ILLAHA ILAL LAAHU WAHDAHU LAA SHARIKA LAHU, LAHUL MUL-KU, WALA-HUL HAMDU, WAHUWA ALAA KULI SHEY'INN GADIIR" "ASTAGHFIRULLAAH " three times, AYAT AL KURSI Recite Surah Al Ikhlas, Surah Al Falaq, Surah An Naas Happy Land for Islamic Teachings