Inhealthcare Putting patients at the core of Digital Health Richard Quine - Inhealthcare Huw Jones – ADI - Health An InTechnology Company
Patient at the core of Digital Health Supporting principles Key themes to ensure successful engagement with patients How do we avoid ‘technology led’ projects How do we capture these principles in digital health architecture What does a complete system architecture look like An example – Painsense How we built a successful solution
Principles supporting the Patient at the core of Digital Health Recognise different factors that affect individual patients Choice of channels Levels of accessibility Cognitive ability Access to evidence based practice Content Same rigorously approved content formatted in different ways Engagement with clinicians Outputs of the digital health service integrate with clinical records ‘no decision without me’ can be supported by remote care
Digital Health Infrastructure Internet Clinician Patient GP Systems Readings Digital Pathway Engine Readings API Open API Text Interactive Phone Call IH App BPro Hospital systems SMSP Care Home Portal Patient Portal 111 NHS Spine
PainSense Process Understand value to each stakeholder Transformation first – changed pathways – clinical and administrative Changed culture – training programmes, learning from the innovators User led design – patients, clinicians and administrators Analytics enabled – built in reporting of activity and outcomes Prototyping – PDSA, innovation led design processes Interoperability – EMIS, SYSTMOne integration with a platform to enable wider integration Strong IG – N3, HSCIC approved provider of SCR Commercialisation planning