School Growth Plan A School Growth Plan is a living document for each school that reflects the strengths and challenges of a school. FHC has been working and changing our plan for many years. The school survey that we do each year helps us make some of the changes.
FHC has two school goals: We want students to become critical thinkers FHC has two school goals: We want students to become critical thinkers We want students to be engaged socially as well as academically Critical Thinking Asking questions Analyzing Making decisions based on the analysis Curiosity Problem Solving This will be measured by the results from the Numeracy and Literacy assessments Student Engagement Having a good attitude toward learning Working with others Functioning in a social setting Feeling a sense of belonging Valuing school outcomes This is measured two times per year with the Student Engagement Survey The next survey will start on April 16th
HOW IS STUDENT ENGAGEMENT MEASURED There are 3 things measured when we speak of engagement.
Where are the biggest differences ?
What are we doing to work toward these goals ? Action Activities we do Outcomes addressed Designing a Home Room Homeroom every 1st Wednesday of the month Positive sense of belonging Positive relationships Value school outcomes Promoting Trades Skills Canada Creation f new courses Interest and Motivation; Attendance Inclusion of First Nations Students First Nations Art in the halls Floor hockey; hand games Interest and Motivation Attendance Inclusion of ELL students A home base to go to Yearbook Class Integrating community learners Help with transitions to FH Visits with feeder school PBIS (Positive Behavior Integration Strategies) Encouragement of positive language in the halls Positive behaviors; Critical thinking In class; U of Waterloo contests
The following slides look at data from the surveys regarding 3 types of engagement. Here is an explanation of the charts The purple bar is the national average The red bar is a REPLICA SCHOOL ( Which means a school that is similar to ours)
Intellectual Engagement
What would you like to. happen to help you stay. engaged in the next 2 What would you like to happen to help you stay engaged in the next 2 months Write your idea on a sticky note