Final Charge and Benediction


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Presentation transcript:

Final Charge and Benediction Studies in 2 Corinthians Series, Part 28 2 Corinthians 13:11-14 © April 7, 2019 Pastor Paul K. Kim 2

FINAL CHARGE: SIX COMMANDS FOR LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY 11 Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. 12 Greet one another with a holy kiss. 13 All the saints greet you. (vs. 11-13) Rejoice: a command to live by faith even in difficult/all circumstances. Aim for Restoration: a command to strive to be a healthy mature community. Comfort One Another: a command to encourage one another so that we would not lose heart in obeying the difficult things for full restoration. Agree with One Another: a command to be supportive and corporative in spirit and attitude with one another as ONE body of Christ. Live in Peace: a command to proactively pursue relational unity and harmony. Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss: a command to express affection & love for one another as God’s perpetually committed Family in Christ.

At the same time the Corinthians need to be reminded they are not the only Christians in the world. The sentence “All the saints send their greetings” (2 Cor. 13:13)—presumably all the believers in the area from which Paul writes, the Christians in one of the Macedonian churches such as Philippi, Thessalonica, or Berea—is therefore more than courtesy: it is a healthy reminder to all believers from the Corinthians on to see themselves as part, but only part, of the entire body of Christ. Such a sense of unity should prove both exhilarating and sobering. It should afford us a vision of the scope of God’s redemptive operation, yet permit us to see that our local group of believers is not the center of the entire church. The Corinthians’ way was to trivialize the gospel and the church, while magnifying believers. God’s way is to display the grandeur of the church, while humbling believers D. A. Carson

BENEDICTION: THREE BLESSINGS FOR LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY 14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (v.14) “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ”: a blessing of God the Son giving himself sacrificially and selflessly to us for our salvation when we didn’t deserve it. “The Love of God”: a blessing of God the Father’s tangible love shown in Christ’s death and resurrection for in order to give us eternal life in his Son. “The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit”: a blessing of God the Holy Spirit’s fellowship with the church that bonds all believers in love and harmony as ONE.

THREE KEY LESSONS: A REVIEW OF OUR STUDIES IN 2 CORINTHIANS On True Spirituality: Strength in Weakness [vs. Strength in Triumphalism] The central theme of 2 Corinthians is Paul’s biographical testimony about his suffering [weakness] and God’s grace [strength] in his life and ministry. It is the essence of true spirituality as God’s paradoxical way to reveal his grace. On True Spiritual Community: Full Restoration/Unity [vs. Superficial Restoration/Unity] Throughout 2 Corinthians Paul stressed the importance of reconciliation and relational unity among believers. Paul pointed this not only within church but also with Paul himself. In Paul’s perspective, true unity doesn’t just happen—it requires constant vigilance, intentional work, and open hearts to one another. On True Spiritual Leadership: Servant Leadership [vs. Self-focused Leadership] In 2 Corinthians, we witnessed Paul opened up himself vulnerably to provide a real-life example of a true spiritual leader. It is a Christ-like, servant leadership which distinguished him from the false “super” apostles who look good only on the outside—such authentic leadership & ministry is to be reclaimed today.

THREE PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR OUR EVERYDAY LIFE Of the six commands for living as an authentic Christian community, which one (or two) stands out to you as your need for application these days? What would it mean for you to utilize the blessings and resources you already have in your church life at CrossWay (or your home church)? Of the three key lessons from our studies in 2 Corinthians, which will you take as your first area of living out what you have learned from 2 Corinthians? What would that look like?