PCard Reconciliation: Processes for Reconcilers & Approvers AN emsa financial Services training
EMSA Financial Services 2 primary PCard Approvers 40 departments 170 cardholders 100+ speedcharts - state, local, grant 700-800 transactions per month: 773 March 2019
PeopleSoft PCard Reconciliations Cardholder/Reconciler Responsibilities: Reviewing, reconciling, uploading receipts, and verifying transactions daily ALL transactions are to be reconciled, with receipts uploaded and verified by the 3rd of the month Cardholders that have not completed their reconciliations by the 3rd of the month are to receive a Notice of Violation.
PeopleSoft PCard Reconciliations Approvers Responsibilities: ALL transactions are to be/have… reviewed for complete description, public purpose, travel information, documentation uploaded AND policy compliance expenses redistributed to appropriate speedchart(s) and account code Use tax assessed and verified by the 5th of the month Cardholders that have not completed their reconciliations by the 3rd of the month are to receive a Notice of Violation. Complete reconciliations as needed.
Billing Tab: Transaction Description Enter Description: 5-6 words describing the goods and/or services purchased. Example format: (X) Background Checks INV#1040234-IN *The description is conveyed in Enterprise Reports Transaction Detail!
Transaction Tab: Adding Public Purpose Under the Comments: Line Comments is where the public purpose is recorded by the Reconciler.
Documenting Public Purpose Entering Public Purpose: Include the full vendor name. Include the name of the individual and/or department/program the purchase was made on behalf of. Dates & location (city, state) for conference registration, hotel stays, flights, etc.
Public Purpose….continued. What IS the Public Purpose of this purchase? - How does this purchase benefit students and/or the university?? - What is it for… What did you purchase? - Itemize by type - How many? What speedchart(s) and/or account code should the expense be charged to?
Documentation (Receipt) Upload Process Uploaded Receipts should be: Itemized Indicate Total Amount Paid Include and shipping and/or sales tax charges In .pdf format!!! Include any additional documentation: Email purchase approvals Food Forms ITS Checklist/VPAT Approvals Travel Approvals/Pre-Travel
Entering Traveler Information In the Travel Info column: Click the white suitcase (ONLY to be used for NAU students and staff). Should PCard transactions occur for non-University affiliated travelers, document in the ‘Public Purpose’ field. Trip Dates are to reflect the entire duration of the travel period – departure & return. List ALL travelers that the Pcard transaction pertains to.
Refunds & Fraudulent Charges Refunds & Fraudulent charges must be reconciled each month! Reconciliation includes completing the… Duplicate original reconciliation Reason for credit or explanation (if possible) for fraudulent charge. Redistribute the credit! Leave fraudulent charges in 730150 account code. Chase International Fees: Enter as… Bank Imposed Fees
PCard Do’s and Dont’s DO! DON’T! Keep your card secure at all times. Reconcile your transactions weekly if not daily, as applicable. Upload itemized receipts that show total amount paid….and all other required documentation. Redistribute the expense. Apply Use Tax, as needed. Reference the PCard Restricted Commodities Policy: PUR 801-03-02. DON’T! Give your PCard to someone else to use! Use to make personal purchases. Use while in travel status to purchase your (personal) meals. Use to circumvent university purchasing policy.