Year 2 Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 2 Place Value and Ordering Year 2 Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 2
Today we will be learning to: understand and use words for comparing and ordering numbers read and write numbers know what each digit in a number means know the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than a given number.
Mental Activity Difference
Two numbers have a difference of 1. What could they be?
What does difference mean? Difference of 1 What does difference mean?
Two numbers have a difference of 10. What could they be?
Main Activity Today we are going to use our understanding of number and place value to work out what numbers are on a blank hundred square.
What number is the shaded square?
What is the number below this?
Which number is before that number?
Fill in numbers around the grid.
Add one more and one less to each number.
Add ten more and ten less to each number.
Work out missing numbers on number grids. Group Work Use a blank grid to make a puzzle. Ask a classmate to work out what the missing numbers are. Work out missing numbers on number grids. Check your answers on a completed hundred square. Work out missing numbers on number grids.