Saltatory Conduction
Voltage drop without myelin DVx = DVoe-x/l The length constant, l, is the distance over which the potential falls by 1-1/e a reduction of 63% of the original PD at the point where current was injected. Length constants range from .1 mm for a small axon with a low resistance membrane to 5 mm for a large axon with a high resistance membrane. Size, and high resistance increase the length constant and current spread.
Spinal Cord and CNS Injury Problems Cell Death and Secondary death Disruption of Nerve pathways Demyelination
Therapies Neuroprotection Growth Factors, Vitamin C, Temperature Change Replacement of Nerve Cells Transplant of Fetal Tissue Native Stem Cells
Regenerationn of Damaged Axons Schwann cell transplant Use of olfactory cells Remyelination of Axons
Post Synaptic Potential Post Synaptic Potentials are Gradeed
Post Synaptic Potentials can be summed temporally and spatially