Grounded theory is an inductive research methodology Likely to begin with a general area of interest The data collected and through a process of line-by-line coding, codes grouped into concepts and eventually categories Categories form the basis of a new theory Different from the traditional model of research, where an existing theoretical framework is chosen and data collected to show how the theory does or does not apply to the phenomenon being studied Various schools of Grounded Theory It has previously been noted that the philosophical positioning of a Grounded Theorist defines how grounded theory methods are used (Ralph, Birks, & Chapman, 2015). With this in mind, Grounded Theorists are encouraged to develop a strong ontological awareness, adopting an epistemological perspective appropriate to their data Constructivist (video)
Won a bursary to attend a Methods@Manchester week long course on SNA At the Mitchell Centre, Manchester University – named after the reknowned sociologist & anthropologist James Mitchell who championed the use of social network analysis – the observation of regular patterns of social relations that are persistent over time