Saber/Conocer Ser/Estar & Meaning Changes
saber – to know sabemos sé sabéis sabes sabe saben
Saber vs. Conocer facts information saber + infinitive Saber – to know Saber is used to know: facts information saber + infinitive to know how to do something Yo sé esquiar. I know how to ski.
conocer – to know conozco conocemos conocéis conoces conoce conocen
to be familiar with a place/something Saber vs. Conocer Conocer – to know Conocer is used to know: people (personal “a”) places to be familiar with a place/something have been there
ser – to be soy somos eres sois es son
Ser – to be (more permanent) Ser vs. Estar Ser – to be (more permanent) Ser is used for: telling time, day, dates identification professions relationship
Ser vs. Estar possession/ownership adjectives / description origin ser de / ¿De dónde…? possession/ownership adjectives / description nationality *location of an event
estar – to be estoy estamos estás estáis está están
Estar – to be (easily changeable) Ser vs. Estar Estar – to be (easily changeable) Estar is used for: feelings location (¿Dónde…) a condition or state of being that is easily changeable
Ser/Estar Meaning Changes Using ser or estar with an adjective may change it’s meaning. You can give a different “twist” to the meaning of the adjective.
Ser vs. Estar Meaning Changes SER Julio es guapo. Julio is a good looking person. description characteristic *normal meaning ESTAR Julio está guapo. Julio looks handsome. at this moment “looks” changeable
Ser vs. Estar Meaning Changes SER Mi abuelo es joven. description My grandpa is young. description in reality *normal meaning ESTAR Mi abuelo está joven. My grandpa looks young. his appearance “looks”
Ser vs. Estar Meaning Changes SER Ella es nerviosa. She is nervous. characteristic she is a nervous person ESTAR Ella está nerviosa. She is/seems nervous. at this moment feeling *normal meaning
Ser vs. Estar Meaning Changes SER Las fresas son rojas. description The strawberries are red. description *normal meaning ESTAR Las fresas están verdes. The s.berries are green (unripe). changeable condition
Ser vs. Estar Meaning Changes SER Ella es lista. description Ser listo: She is smart/clever. description permanent quality listo, a, os, as ESTAR Ella está lista. estar listo: She is ready/prepared. condition, at this time listo, a, os, as