President’s Report Dr. Michael Bruening, Faculty Senate President
Chancellor Search Update Airport interviews conducted in December Three finalists selected: campus interviews taking place Remains a closed search Candidates meeting with selected constituent groups, including faculty President Choi expects to announce the next chancellor by late February
Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) Last IFC meeting, January 11 (snow storm day) Basically: more information later Department chair CRR changes Still being drafted When available, will circulate to all faculty for feedback President Choi plans to present to April BOC meeting (here)
IFC Changes to BOC meetings From 2 days to 1 Most subcommittee discussion to be done by phone ahead of time Faculty Senate breakfast will now be lunch with faculty and students
Policy Committee Update Watch for announcements of open forums/online feedback on the following: Dual Career Partner Assistance Program Animals on Campus Post-Forum Policy in Development: Use of Cameras to Monitor Facilities and/or Activities Desire for forums/online feedback on final version?
Policy Committee Update Revised OSP Policy on Principal Investigator Eligibility Comments?