Take One Picture 2015 Kelvin Grove Primary School London, SE26 6BB Mr and Mrs Andrews Thomas Gainsborough
The 2015 Take One Picture project was bigger than ever at Kelvin Grove The 2015 Take One Picture project was bigger than ever at Kelvin Grove. The whole school got ‘Gainsborough Fever’ in March as each year group took inspiration from Mr And Mrs Andrews. Here is a selection of the cross curricular projects brought to life by the pupils, parents, and staff of Kelvin Grove, culminating in our whole school exhibition at Parents Evening.
Nursery The Nursery children related Gainsborough’s painting to their own environment and multi-seonsory experiences. They produced a chicken wire and mod roc autumnal tree and explored the outdoors, linking it to their story Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle.
Reception: Reception’s 2015Take One Picture project was truly cross-curricular. The project took 6 weeks to complete. The children in the four Reception classes role played being the characters Mr and Mrs Andrews, dressing up and posing as the couple.
The children explored colour mixing and used the results to recreate different parts of the painting – sky, cornfield, leaves and woodland. The children mixed their colours themselves using only primary colours – red, blue and yellow. Reception:
The Reception children also learnt to retell the story of the Little Red Hen and enjoyed making their own bread rolls in workshops organised by the Kelvin Grove school chef.
The children learned about carpentry with a visit from a local carpenter who showed us how pieces of wood could be joined together using his tools. The children thought about how a wooden bench might be constructed from the oak tree in the painting.
Reception: The finale of the Reception project was hatching and observing our very own chicks. This became of whole school interest with pupils and parents alike. “Chick watch” was definitely the highlight of our year!
The children in Year 1 created their own mixed media landscapes and photographic portraits.
The children in the lunchtime Recycling Club were inspired to create a three dimensional model of Mr and Mrs Andrews, recreating their pose with a variety of different recycled materials. This was the centre-piece of our whole school Take One Picture Exhibition. Recycling Club
Year 2 Year 2’s Take One Project focused on the wheatfield in the Thomas Gainsborough painting. The children used this as their starting point, learning about the flour milling process, before making their own bread in class when a baker came in to demonstrate his skills.
The pupils in Year 3 used many different skills within their project The pupils in Year 3 used many different skills within their project. They researched the artist and his genre, then used ‘green screen’ technology to produce their own portraits within ‘Active Planet’ volcanic backdrops linking their learning to with their IPC volcanoes topic. Year 3
In the Rainbow unit for children with autism within Kelvin Grove, the children explored a space theme looking into the future. What would Mr and Mrs Andrews look like in the year 3015?
Year 4 The children in Year 4 looked at portraits and explored the people, places and things that shape their identity.
Mr Andrew’s hunting gun was used as the starting point for Year 5’s project. The pupils researched and debated fox hunting, following the ban introduced in 2005. Year 5
Year 5
The children in Year 6 focused on Fashion in history for their project.
We cannot wait until the next Take One Picture Project! Kelvin Grove Primary School
If you would like any more information on any of the projects you have seen here, please contact: Sally Douglas Art Subject Leader Kelvin Grove Primary School Kirkdale London SE26 6BB Tel: 0208 699 6300 Email: sdouglas@kelvingrove.lewisham.sch.uk