Alcohol consumption and harm in the WHO European Region Dr Lars Møller Programme Manager World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe 1
Been drunk at least twice 13 year old boys (HBSC, 2009/2010)
Been drunk at least twice 13 year old girls (HBSC, 2009/2010)
Been drunk at least twice 15 year old boys (HBSC, 2009/2010)
Been drunk at least twice 15 year old girls (HBSC, 2009/2010)
Alcohol attributable SDRs per 100.000 people - 2010
Alcohol attributable SDRs for cancer per 100.000 people - 2010
Alcohol attributable SDRs for liver cirrhosis per 100 Alcohol attributable SDRs for liver cirrhosis per 100.000 people - 2010
Alcohol attributable SDRs for injury/violence per 100 Alcohol attributable SDRs for injury/violence per 100.000 people - 2010
National strategies/action plans on alcohol Of the 53 Member States (MS) of the WHO European Region: 38 MS have a national plan on alcohol 20 of these are in the process of updating the national plan on alcohol 15 MS have no plans but 9 of these are in the process of drafting
Plans 2014 Small EU and applicant country survey in 2014 which can be used to update the most relevant information on alcohol among EU Member States. Survey with key indicators and EU specific questions Calculations of alcohol attributable deaths rates Update of country profiles
Plans 2014 Timeline data. The data is collected by year and give reference to main achievements on alcohol policies including relevant developments. Collection of time-line data (2006-and yearly) Transform data into database Yearly data collection among all Member States
Plans 2014 Global alcohol meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-14 May 2014 European network meeting, Edinburgh, October 2014 (tentative).
Plans 2014 Develop an alcohol policy scoring system where the 32 most important indicators on alcohol policy are used and weighted against each other. New publication ready for RC64. RC64 discussion on progress of implementation of the European action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.
Since 2007, the European Commission and the Regional Office have joined forces in gathering information on trends in alcohol consumption, health outcomes and public health policies to reduce alcohol-related harms. In 2008, a survey on alcohol and health was for the first time carried out jointly by the EC and WHO. Carrying out joint surveys reduces the burden of reporting for member states and ensures the consistency and comparability of data across countries and over time. The new publication Alcohol in the European Union. Consumption, harm and policy approaches reports the results of a second joint EC/WHO survey, carried out in May 2011. The survey was addressed to WHO national counterparts and to the national representatives in the EU CNAPA (in some cases the same person fills both roles). The information reported describes the situation as at 31 December 2010 (unless otherwise indicated). The survey covered all EU member states as well as Norway and Switzerland. With a 100% response rate from EU member states plus Norway and Switzerland, the information reported below covers 29 countries. 23 countries reported the existence of a written national alcohol policy at the end of 2010. Since the survey, Estonia and Hungary have started the process of drafting a national alcohol policy, leaving only Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, and Malta without a national alcohol policy.
European Union: Global: WHO European Region: European Union:
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