Use of ITNs the previous night by age, gender, and ITN supply 12 November 2018 Dr Hannah Koenker, JHUCCP
About the graphs For the most recent DHS or MIS in each country, we calculated the proportion of people sleeping under an ITN, disaggregated by age group, gender, and household ITN supply. Two categories of household ITN supply were included. Households that own at least 1 ITN for every 2 people (full coverage) Households that own at least 1 ITN, but not enough to have 1 for every 2 people (partial coverage) Y-axis = proportion of people who slept under an ITN the previous night X-axis = age groups Keep in mind MIS surveys are generally conducted in rainy/high transmission season, and DHS surveys are done more often in dry season, and that we observe therefore higher overall ITN use in MIS vs DHS. Keep in mind that demographics of the different households (with enough vs not enough) are quite different – hh with enough nets are generally smaller (3-4 people/household) and may be more urban. Confidence intervals are not shown, I hope to add them in the next version. Approach was developed by Dr Albert Kilian and expanded by Dr Hannah Koenker. A manuscript is forthcoming.
Key points Young children (0-5) and women of reproductive age are prioritized when the household doesn’t have enough ITNs Older children are least likely to have used an ITN the previous night, in households with not enough ITNs. Age and gender differences in ITN use nearly always disappear when the household does have enough ITNs