Dr. Barbara J. Millis Author, Consultant San Antonio, Texas 78255
Consequences Barbara Boot Camp for Profs
The Zen of Power Point
Readiness Assurance Test (RAT) Individual, then Group
Quiz Questions
Find a Partner/Pair . . ..
The Quiet Signal
The Three Step Interview
Three-Step Interview Process A B Interviews B A Interviews
Three Step Interview Questions
“Sponge” or Extension Activity
First Things First
THREE COMMON PROBLEMS: Lack of Interest: “Students are bored with my class and lose interest quickly.” Poor Preparation: “Students don’t do the assigned readings before class.” Poor Retention of Learning: “Students do well on the test, but on the next test or in the next course, they seem to forget everything they learned earlier.”
Lack of Interest Lack of Interest 1. Enhance the teacher’s lecturing skills. 2. Use more material from “cutting edge” research. 3. Re-design the course to replace lecturing with more active learning.
Poor Student Preparation Slide: Poor Student Preparation 1. Assign more severe penalties for not doing the readings beforehand. 2. Give students a pep talk. 3. Re-design the course to give students a reason to do the readings.
Poor Retention of Learning 1. Make the tests better (or tougher) 2. Require students to complete a refresher course 3. Re-design the course to give students more experience with using what they have learned Poor Retention of Learning
Dreaming Exercise
Integrated Course Design Key Components Learning Goals Feedback & Assessment Teaching & Learning Activities Situational Factors Collecting information about… Specific Context Expectations by people outside the course Nature of the Subject Nature of Students Nature of Teacher S i t u a t i o n a l F a c t o r s
Situational Factors: Situational Factors Collecting information about… Collecting information about… Specific Context Expectations by people outside the course Nature of the Subject Nature of Students Nature of Teacher
Using the Roundtable method, as a team list as many situational factors as you can.
Stand up and Share
What is Cooperative Learning? Enhancing Learning—and more!—Through Cooperative Learning http://www.idea.ksu.edu/papers/Idea_Paper_38.pdf Understanding Cooperative Learning http://www.nea.org/he/advo03/advo1203/front.html a structured form of small group problem solving that incorporates the use of heterogeneous teams, maintains individual accountability, promotes positive interdependence, instills group processing, and sharpens social skills
Group Formation