Title - Subtitle Date Month Year Bangalore Section
HOT – Hands On Training HOT
Current Challenge Employment Generation Lack of Domain specific Skilled Man power for Industries Employability of Fresher is relatively low due to Academia – Industry Gap Hands On Facilities at Educational Sector far less compare to number of Students Difficulties faced by Professionals in the fast changing Technologies
Current Resources Automation Vendors has Captive Training Facilities meant for Their Clients , Business Alliance Partners and for their Employee. These facilities are up to date with the current technologies including Simulations with dedicated expert instructors Most companies treat this as a cost centre and such training is bundled as complimentary. The training facilities often underutilized and remain occupied only for the part of the time.
ISA D -14 Proposal ISA D14 proposes aggregation of all such spare HOT resources and connecting them with those in need. ISA D14 proposes to operate the above activity in a Social Enterprise. ISA D14 proposes to achieve the ambitious goals with active cooperation from the Automation vendors, educational institutions and the government. ISA D14 proposes to expand the HOT aggregation the entire globe starting with the home country India.
IGNITE ISA D -14 Proposal ISA D-14 Platform for HOT Ecosystem ISA D-14 Growing Nurturing Inspiring Training Engineers
ISA D-14 Platform for HOT Ecosystem IGNITE at a Glance ISA D-14 Platform for HOT Ecosystem IGNITE HOT Provider HOT Seeker Automation Vendor Training Providers Automation Expert System Integrators OEM Engineering Students Faculty Members Professionals SME Companies Career Change
HOT Resource http://isa-d14.com/training/hands-on-training.php
HOT- Provider
HOT- Provider
HOT- Seeker
HOT- Implementation ISA D14 proposes to achieve the above goals using a well-designed web portal. The portal will allow those who are offering the resource providers and the prospective trainees to be able to register online. The enrolment into the training programs will not be automatic and will be subject to acceptance by the administrators to ensure that the aspirant has all the necessary prerequisites.