The DASISH Questionnaire Design Documentation Tool (QDDT) Benjamin Beuster, Hilde Orten (NSD) EDDI16 – 8th Annual European DDI User Conference Cologne, DE December 6-7, 2016 SERISS: Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences DASISH: Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities License: CC BY 4.0 (exceptions see last slide)
European Social Survey (ESS) Questionnaire Module Concept Question Response Domain Instrument Workflow in the European Social Survey (ESS) NSD©2016 NSD©2016
QDDT conceptual model, DDI 3.2 based StatementItem ControlConstruct Instrument QuestionAsInInstrument Study Universe Concept QuestionItem QuestionGrid ResponseDomain CodeDomain CategoryDomain ExternalAid DateTimeDomain Instruction ScaleDomain TextDomain NumericDomain IASSIST, Bergen, May 31 – June 3
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What makes the QDDT special? Communication within the tool Two level versioning system using RationaleCode Timestamp compare of elements
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2017 Tool ready for production (Feb. 17) Add QuestionGrid Improve the instrument Add Publication Status DDI 3.2 Profile Generate PDF and DDI 3.2 XML
Thank you for your attention Special thanks to: Knut Kalgraff Skjåk, Stig Norland and Yong Liuy (NSD), Sarah Butt, Virginia Ros (ESS HQ, City University), Joachim Wackerow QDDT Software presentation tomorrow while lunch time!
License This presentation is offered under license CC-BY 4 License This presentation is offered under license CC-BY 4.0 The license does not apply to the following copyrighted material used in this presentation: The logo of NSD: The logo of SERISS: The logo of DASISH: