Welcome to Successfully Appraising Staff Workshop If you look after your staff, they'll look after you & your customers. It's that simple
Domestics Fire Procedures & Exits Smoking Mobile devices Facilities & Breaks Any Special Requirements
What do we mean when we say look after staff? Correctly inducted into organisation Have the right skills Have adequate knowledge and are kept up to date Understand rules and procedures Are correctly trained Know what is expected of them Understand the purpose of the organisation Understand what the priorities are Know how they are doing Feel part of and are engaged with the organisation Feel valued respected and recognised for their contribution
Difficulties and Impacts of Staff Turnover Organisation - Reputation, recruitment, capacity & capability reduction Manager - Stress, extra workload, missed deadlines and targets, changed plans and reactionary decisions Staff - Extra pressure, more work, possibly more errors, reduction in knowledge, less skills in team, less supervision, less communication
Very few employees reveal to you the true reason for leaving! Most common = I have an opportunity elsewhere
Key Challenges Faced By Managers Deliver results Meet targets & deadlines Remaining competitive /delivering value for money Solve issues and problems Staff wellbeing Staff engagement Managing performance
Action Centred Leadership John Adair Action Centred Leadership Model
What we see as important is where we focus our attention and energy Results and outcomes People Being aware of our preferences
Appraising Staff Is Not Just A Annual Event Face to face specific feedback Weekly huddles/meetings General conversations in the workplace Project/ program reviews Articles celebrating successes in newsletters/staff magazines etc. Performance reviews Annual appraisals
Advantages Of Annual Appraisals Documentary evidence of employee performance over a specific period of time. A structure to meet and discuss performance and accomplishment with an employee. To both give and receive feedback A structured process to clarify expectations and discuss issues. A structure for thinking through and planning the upcoming year and developing employee goals. They can motivate both manager and employee to work together to achieve common goals
Disadvantages Of Annual Appraisals If not done right, they can create a negative experience. Appraisals are time consuming and can be overwhelming to managers with many employees. They are based on human assessment and can be subjective if not based on facts. They can create a very stressful environment for everyone involved if used as the sole method of appraising. Can be demotivating if used as a stick to beat people up with.
Successful Appraisals Being Prepared Catch People Doing It Right Continual Improvement Skills & Behaviours Feedback Setting Objectives Development Gap
Introducing A Behavioural Feedback Model Behaviour – State the behaviour observed Impact – State the specific impact that it had on those at the time Feeling – State how you as their manager feel about this specific behaviour Future – State how you want them to behave differently in the future
Team Feedback Model W3 What went well? Let’s do more of it What didn’t go so well? Let’s not do that next time What could we do differently next time? Solution-focused, encourages innovation
6 great follow-on questions that start with… What.................. Why.................... When................. How.................... Where................ Who...................
Putting It Into Practice Read the brief Plan you approach Select relevant cards from the deck to support you Be prepared to ask follow up questions to expand on the appraisees responses
Review And Next Steps Reflection questions in the delegate workbook Action plan Stop doing Start doing Do more of... Do less of... Start Stop Do More Do Less
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