The Report Vacuum Forming There are a lot of events in our lives that we think, “suck”, but that is not true. The only thing that sucks is a vacuum. By definition a vacuum is a space from which air or other gas has been exhausted to a very high degree. Vacuum Forming is a process where a heated plastic sheet is drawn (sucked) against a mold surface by evacuating the air between it and the mold. The mold can be made out of many different types of materials; such as wood, clay, structural foam or cast/machined aluminum. The vacuum forming process can be used to make most product packaging, speaker casings and even car dashboards. For this assignment you are to design and create a device to hold and shape chocolate out of 0.30” polystyrene (250mmX195mm). Procedures Make mold out of clay (125 g max.) Place mold on the vacuum table. Cut a piece of polystyrene (250mmX195mm)to size. Make sure it is cut straight and square. Heat the piece of polystyrene over the heat box. Be careful not to over heat it. When the polystyrene is ready, turn on the vacuum, and place heated plastic over the mold. Let set for approximately 2 minutes. Clean the mold with soap and water, rinse and dry. Fill with warm, yummy chocolate, and let cool. Bag it and take it home. Complete report and hand in both the report and project. Guidelines Maximum amount of clay is 125 grams Use newspaper when working with the clay. Bag the clay if not finished. Slope sides for better mold release. Interior details need a vacuum source. ReportMarkProjectMarkTitle & Cover Pages/5Cut to size/5Need Statement/4Cuts square & straight/5Brainstorming/10Match to final drawing/10Design Brief/4Mould finish/5Final Drawing c\w dimensions/10Mould design/10Material List/4Finished product/10Procedures/4Level of difficulty/5Modifications/4 Evaluation/5 Total/50Total/50Make sure you hand this sheet in with your report.
THE NEED Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate.
Brain Storming 4 Quarter page designs
Vacuum Forming Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate. Brainstorming: Refer to brainstorming sheet.
Design Brief
Vacuum Forming Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate. Brainstorming: Refer to brainstorming sheet. Design Brief: I will design and create a device to hold and shape chocolate.
Final Drawing Drawing must be to scale and have dimensions.
Vacuum Forming Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate. Brainstorming: Refer to brainstorming sheet. Design Brief: I will design and create a device to hold and shape chocolate. Final Drawing: Refer to page ___ of ____.
Material List List all materials and tools used to make the project.
Vacuum Forming Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate. Brainstorming: Refer to brainstorming sheet. Design Brief: I will design and create a device to hold and shape chocolate. Final Drawing: Refer to page ___ of ____. Material List: 250x195 piece of polystyrene. 125g clay Yummy chocolate Shaping tools Heat box Vacuum Newspaper
Procedures List all procedures to make the project.
Vacuum Forming Need Statement: I need a device to hold and shape chocolate. Brainstorming: Refer to brainstorming sheet. Design Brief: I will design and create a device to hold and shape chocolate. Final Drawing: Refer to page ___ of ____. Material List: 250x195 piece of polystyrene. 125g clay Yummy chocolate Shaping tools Heat box Vacuum Newspaper Procedures: Make mold out of clay (125 g max.) Place mold on the vacuum table. Cut a piece of polystyrene (250mmX195mm)to size. Make sure it is cut straight and square. Heat the piece of polystyrene over the heat box. Be careful not to over heat it. When the polystyrene is ready, turn on the vacuum, and place heated plastic over the mold. Let set for approximately 2 minutes. Clean the mold with soap and water, rinse and dry. Fill with warm, yummy chocolate, and let cool. Bag it and take it home. Complete report and hand in both the report and project.
Modifications These are completed at the end of the project.
Evaluation Answer the 4 questions.