Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of September 4th – 7th Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Important Information Dates to know * Thank you for continuing to read/review the letter books with your child each night for homework. Record this time on the reading log! * Thank you for signing the behavior calendar each night!! * We are working hard to complete reading assessments so we can begin Reading Groups on your child’s level very soon! * I also owe a HUGE thank you to Mrs. Doran for helping us by being our Room Mom this year!!! 8/27-9/25: mClass testing 9/4-9/25: MAP testing (We are testing this week!) 9/5: Scholastic order is due! 9/7: RES Spirit Day 9/5-9/25: MAP testing 9/14-9/21: Fall Book Fair 9/18: Family Night at Book Fair from 4:00-7:00 9/19: Progress Reports go home! 9/21: Early Release at 1:45 9/25: Fall Pictures & PTA Dinner Night at Veneros 10/5: RES Spirit Day 10/11: Apex Fun Run (time to be determined) Our Learning Focus Theme: All About Me & Meeting Friends Math: Understanding and extending the counting sequence & solving addition problems Phonics: Review of Letters and Sounds Reading Focus: Describe characters, setting, and major events using key details Writing Focus: Writing narratives that recounts 2 or more sequenced events and includes details, temporal words, and a sense of closure Science: We will begin our first Science Unit soon! Spelling Words Word Wall Words: the, no, and, is, his, I * We will have a Spelling Test on Friday! Please keep in mind that being able to read the word is most important though!