Interplay between Study Groups and TSAG Bruce Gracie, TSAG Chairman ITU-T Study Group Leadership Meeting, November 4, 2016
Working Methods Resolution 1 - Rules of Procedure of ITU-T - Section 4: TSAG Resolution 45 – Coordination of standardization work across study groups and role of TSAG Recommendation A.1 - Working methods for study groups of ITU-T
Electronic Working Methods Regular updates are published by TSB Procedures of Rec. A.1 should now be applied to electronic rapporteur meetings, i.e. meetings with remote participation; meeting platform based on SharePoint for uploading Supplement 4 approved re: remote participation Applications now designed to work first on mobile devices
Work Programme Study Group structure – TSAG competent to establish or terminate study groups (Res. 22) Establishment/Revision/Termination of Questions Review of JCAs/GSIs Agreed in July 2016 to terminate concept of GSI; text in Recommendation A.1 amended accordingly.
ITU-T Strategy ITU-T Strategic Plan 2016-2019 needs to be reviewed, particularly re: strategic goals, objectives, outputs, expected results ITU-T Operational Plan reviewed annually for approval by Council Linkage between operational, strategic and financial planning a critical function of TSAG, along with priorities/human & financial resource requirements for the Sector
ITU-T Strategy Cont’d Review of current methodologies for the participation of Sector Members, Associates and Academia in ITU a key outcome of PP-14 (Resolution 187); other entities such as SMEs included as part of this review; recommendations of CWG-FHR to Council to be considered by PP-18; input from the Sectors an important element TSAG to implement relevant recommendations of the Review Committee (Resolution 82) and reflect functions in Resolution 22 TSAG approved the establishment of a new Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy to be led by industry, in part to consider the recommendations of the CTO meetings (Resolution 68)
Cooperation and Collaboration TSAG approved MOD Rec. A.5 (referencing), new A.25 (incorporation), and new Supplement 5 (cooperation with external entities and SDOs) Procedures enhanced to strengthen collaboration Internally with ITU-R, ITU-D and General Secretariat – Inter-Sector Coordination Team and Inter-Sector Coordination Task Force – eliminate duplication and optimize use of resources Process underway to consider guidelines on “technical” issues for cooperation with open source communities
Cooperation and Collaboration ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Rec. A.23); World Standards Cooperation Guidelines for collaboration with IETF (Supplement 3) GSC scope enhanced with the inclusion of IEC, ISO and IEEE-SA in annual meetings
TSAG Challenges Follow-up actions to WTSA Resolutions Working methods and structure (e.g. refinements to be considered on ongoing basis pursuant to Res. 22, as reflected in part in A-series Recs.); rationalization and review of WTSA resolutions needed to reduce duplication and redundancies Continuing to strengthen cooperation and collaboration with other SDOs and external organizations and entities
TSAG Challenges WTSA-16 Plenary was requested to instruct TSAG to conduct a holistic review of document development and approval procedures across Resolution 1, Recommendation ITU-T A.1, and Recommendation ITU-T A.13, and to prepare a proposal to the next Assembly.
ITU-T Leadership Meeting THANK YOU