Langley Fastball Association So they asked you to manage your child’s softball team… now what?
Manager’s Purpose The sole purpose of the manager on a softball team is to take care of all the needs of the team, except coaching. Coaches have the ears of the players, managers have the ears of the parents. As managers, our goal is to ensure that our players show up ready to play and all our coach has to do is coach. Managers are organization and communication experts that love to problem solve!
Coach and Manager Meeting Set up a meeting with your coach and assistant coach(es) as soon as possible! What are the goals for the year? Skill development? Fun? Competition? Even at the earlier levels it is so important that everyone on the leadership team has the same goals for the team. Select a date, time and preferred park for weekly practices (make sure you book your practise field). Get complete contact information for players (and parents) on your team. Select a date and time of day for weekly batting cage training (make sure you book the cage). Determine which tournaments your team will register for and how you plan to pay for them. Softball BC posts tournaments (including entry fees) on February 1 each year. Pick a date, time and location for your first team meeting to discuss all of the above and team volunteer roles with players and parents.
League Communication Email the registrar to let them know the team you are the manager for. Be sure to include the division and head coach’s name. Ask to be added to the coach’s email list so you will be in the loop for all the communications from the league. Ask to be notified if there are any additions or deletions from your team’s roster. Make sure you share as much of your contact information as possible with the registrar so they can reach you if they need to!
Team Schedule Decide if you will use an app to help manage the teams schedule. I really like TeamSnap – the free version is often enough. Even if you use an app, please always distribute on paper to each family as well.
Communicate with your team Email the team and parents to introduce yourself and share what you will do for the team this year. Provide as much of your contact information as you feel comfortable with. Let them know they should ask any questions about team events, schedules, league fundraisers, uniforms, tournaments, etc.
Team Volunteer Roles Organize the other volunteer roles that will make your team successful through the season. A few I have seen over the years include: Snack parent – brings a healthy snack for the entire team after each practice/game. Usually rotates every game. Field Setup crew – a group of parent volunteers that commit to making sure the field is set up every home game. Scorekeeping crew – a group of parent volunteers that commit to making sure there is a qualified scorekeeper at every game. The league supplies a regulation scorekeeping book or you try out the “gamechanger” scorekeeping app. Player chauffer – with all of busy schedules, it often happens that a player suddenly needs a ride to and from and the game or practice. Its nice to identify a parent or two, that are willing to pick-up or drop off additional athletes.
League Fundraiser Participation Share detailed fundraiser information; Distribute fundraiser order forms or tickets for purchase; Collect completed forms and/or fundraiser payments; Pickup and distribute fundraiser purchases (if required). Organize team basket for pub night based on league supplied theme.
Photo Night! Hair up/down Hats on/off Undershirt style/colour etc. Coaches received the photo order forms and your photo date/time at the coaches meeting. Every player MUST complete and turn in the photo form, even if they are not ordering a package. All players receive a free “memory mate” photo as a keepsake from their season. Communicate the dress code for the picture. Hair up/down Hats on/off Undershirt style/colour etc.
Tournaments Tournaments for each division are published on Softball BC’s website in January of each year. Designate parents to bring water, sports drinks and healthy snacks for each day of the tournament. Establish tournament ground rules for the team and share with players and parents. Stay with your team Travel in groups and keep your coach or manager informed of where you are. No sleepovers on tournament weekend.
Out of Town Tournaments Book team accommodation as soon as possible. Don’t be too shy to ask for a group/team/not-for-profit rate. Try to find a hotel with breakfast, parking and WiFi included in the nightly rate. Plan a team dinner Research the area you are going to for nearest medical centre, grocery store, pharmacy, gas station etc. Research the area you are going to for attractions, events, festivals or other things to check out. Assist with carpool organization if required.
End of the Season Organize the team windup party Assist with uniform return needs Plan and execute coaches thank you gift Celebrate a successful season!