Fig. 3. External work and kinetic and potential energy of the whole body for the mean individual (individual 10) in the mean population (population 1) and in the population with mean circumferences, but +3 standard deviation crural index (population 4).Three strides are shown; heelstrike for the right leg is shown with the solid black vertical line and for the left with a dashed black vertical line. External work and kinetic and potential energy of the whole body for the mean individual (individual 10) in the mean population (population 1) and in the population with mean circumferences, but +3 standard deviation crural index (population 4).Three strides are shown; heelstrike for the right leg is shown with the solid black vertical line and for the left with a dashed black vertical line. The interval over which the analysis was done (first step of second stride) is indicated with a solid red double-headed arrow. The interval that was used to check the analysis (the second step of the second stride) is indicated with a dashed double-headed arrow. Patricia Ann Kramer, and Adam D. Sylvester Biology Open 2012;bio.20122691 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd