Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) Required Data Tiger Team March 2010 May 16, 2013 Put a tiger in your tank!
Tiger Team Scope of Effort Review Required Data Fields Base Object Administrators Structural Type Mode Referent Type Status Country of Origin Original Language Release Date Approximate Length Resource Name Edit Info Edit Use Color Type Three D Review Rules for Selection of Review Proposal for Required Field Substitutions
Required Fields in the Base Object
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object Data Field: Administrators Data Type: EIDR Party ID Notes: Identifies the record registrant. Establishes the initial Access Control List (ACL).
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Structural Type Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary Abstraction Performance Digital Notes: Easy enough to calculate based on type of record being registered if not available directly in 3rd party title systems. Generally the same for every record in a data set.
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Mode Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary AudioVisual Audio Visual Other Notes: Easy enough to calculate based on type of record being registered if not available directly in 3rd party title systems. Generally the same for every record in a data set.
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Referent Type Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary Composite Short Interactive Material Supplemental Movie TV Season Web Series Notes: Easy enough to calculate based on type of record being registered if not available directly in 3rd party title systems. Generally varies by record in a data set. Want to re-evaluate this list (Product Type)
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Status Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary valid in development Notes: Generally defaulted to “valid”. Rarely, if ever, “in development”. May be made obsolete by Provisional data proposal. Exists to support early registration of works not yet produced. Provides a “private” registration that is not shared with other users (until the work is promoted to “valid”). Causes problems with deduplication. Assumes member performs regular EIDR metadata updates.
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Country of Origin Data Type: ISO 3166-1 2-character Country Code Notes: The home country(ies) for the company(ies) exerting primary creative control over the creation of the work. Generally, the home country(ies) of the Associated Org(s) with a producer role. Used to help: Identify when a title record has been registered with a foreign territory release title in the Resource Name instead of the original release title. Identify duplicate works submitted with non-aligned metadata. Distinguish between remakes. Order does not affect discovery or deduplication, but is assumed to be decreasing order of significance. Substitute this field
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Original Language Data Type: RFC 5656 Language Code See EIDR Language Code Best Practice Notes: Replaces 1.x Primary | Secondary Languages Companion to 2.0 Version Language Identifies the significant language(s) present in the original version of the work. Used to help: Identify when a title record has been registered with a foreign territory release title in the Resource Name instead of the original release title. Distinguish between remakes. Specific provision exists for silent works (see Interim Best Practice – Silent Films) Order does not affect discovery or deduplication, but is assumed to be decreasing order of significance. Substitute this field
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Release Date Data Type: XML Standard Date or Year yyyy-mm-dd yyyy Notes: Full date preferred, year accepted. Original commercial release date, not subsequent window, channel, or market release dates. Has a 2.0 Provisional mode (Provisional = true). Alternate entry formats include: EIDR Excel Templates accept mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy. Web UI splits yyyy, mm, dd into separate entry fields. Used to help: Identify duplicate works submitted with non-aligned metadata. Distinguish between remakes, sequels, etc. Correctly sequence episodic works. (2.0 Time Slot adds granularity.) Inherit Edit from title record
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Approximate Length Data Type: XML Standard Duration PyYmMdDThHmMs.sS (e.g., PT1H32M) Notes: Elapsed time from first to last frame of picture. Only specify with known precision. Has “approximate” built into the name. May use duration of broadcast time slot as a proxy for made-for-TV works. Has a 2.0 Provisional mode (Provisional = true). Alternate entry formats include: EIDR Excel Templates accept hh:mm:ss or mm. Web UI splits hh, mm, ss into separate entry fields. Used to help: Distinguish work types (shorts from features, sitcoms from dramas, etc.) Distinguish between different versions & manifestations. Substitute this field, inherit Edit from title record if available
Review Required Data Fields: Base Object, cont. Data Field: Resource Name Data Type: Text String Supports Unicode characters (defaults to UTF-8) Requires title case Official Title Structure (no trailing articles, no parentheticals, no abbreviations, etc.) Notes: Has a Provisional mode (Title Class = working | internal | other). The default display title for search results, etc. Should be the title as used in the original commercial release in the home territory (including native script). Other titles are recorded as Alternate Resource Names. If original is not in Latin script, then provide at least one Latin script Alternate (original title Romanized or translated in English; foreign territory release title). Often requires text reformatting.
Required Fields in Edit Info
Review Required Data Fields: Edit Info Data Field: Edit Use Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary Theatrical Home Video Broadcast Hospitality Web Unknown General Notes: Identifies the original target distribution channel for the Edit. Helps distinguish one Edit from another.
Review Required Data Fields: Edit Info, cont. Data Field: Color Type Data Type: Controlled Vocabulary color bandw colorized composite Notes: Identifies the basic makeup of the color portion (hue/value) of a program’s images. Most often used to distinguish an originally black and white program from a later version to which color has been added.
Review Required Data Fields: Edit Info, cont. Data Field: Three D Data Type: Boolean true false Notes: Used to distinguish a 2D version (which includes only one set of images) from a 3D version (which includes two sets of different, but spatially related images). Booleans are named for George Boole, 19th century British mathematician whose early work in symbolic logic provided the later basis for digital computing.
Substitution Proposal for Required Fields
Required Field Substitution Proposal Identifying Missing Values Country of Origin ISO 3166-1 does not provide an “undetermined” value XX – A valid ISO 3166-1 user-assigned value (would require EIDR schema and validation rule changes) AQ – Antarctica (not a valid Country of Origin based on our definition) Original Language und – undetermined (audio) Valid ISO 639-2 (RFC 5656 compliant) Code Release Date 3210-01-23 with a Provisional flag It’s a valid date, but not one that’s likely to be entered by accident. Approximate Length PT0.01S with a Provisional flag It’s a valid duration, but not one that’s likely to be entered by accident.
Required Field Substitution Proposal, cont. Trade Selected Required Fields for Additional Participant Information Associated Orgs (specifically, Producers) Directors Actors Allow up to 3 Required Fields to be Blank With one missing required field, provide at least: 1 Associated Org (Producer) or Director AND 2 Actors For each additional missing required field: Increase count of Associated Orgs (Producers) or Directors by 1 Increase count of Actors by 1 Reduce minimum Actors by 1 by providing full original Release Date. Flag to note “that’s all there is”. Count inherited values as part of minimums. Use Metadata Authority.
Required Field Substitution Proposal, cont. Provisional Flags Provisional data update reminders will encourage entry of valid data when they become known. Sparse Matching Will require changes to EIDR schema, registry validation rules, and deduplication rules. Registration Restrictions Either or both Country of Origin or Original Language must be valid. Spoofed data are not allowed in any field.
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