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Presentation transcript:

“Success, nothing less!” Annual Title I Meeting Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:00 p.m. Jag Cafe Our Vision… Sandtown Middle School will be valued as a premier learning environment by placing students first through quality and excellence. Sandtown Middle School is a place where all students learn to their full potential by becoming Life, Career, and College ready. Estella B. Cook Principal Sandtown Middle School 5400 Campbellton Road S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30331 “Success, nothing less!”

Learning Communities Sandtown Middle School is a proud member of the South Learning Community (SLC).

Who Are We As A Community? SLC At A Glance Made up of 27 schools 18 elementary schools 5 middle schools 4 high schools Total Population – 25,674 students

Title I Overview What Is A Title I School? Our school is a Title I school because we receive funds from the federal government to provide additional resources to assist with the education of our children. We qualify for these additional funds because 63.59% of our students receive free or reduced meals at our school. The goal of our Title I Program is to ensure every child is able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed the state academic standards. The Title I federal funds we receive help to achieve this goal.

Title I Overview Sandtown’s Title I Participation and Requirements Sandtown participates in the Title I, Schoolwide Program (SWP). Schoolwide programs address the educational needs of children living in impoverished communities with comprehensive strategies for improving the whole school so every student achieves high levels of academic proficiency. Schoolwide programs have great latitude to determine how to organize their operations and allocate the multiple funding sources available to them. They do not have to identify particular children as eligible for services or separately track Federal dollars. Instead, schoolwide programs can use all allocated funds to increase the amount and quality of learning time.

Sandtown Middle School Current School Profile Count of Students by Grade Level   6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Total Unique 325 281 303 909 Percentage of Students by Gender Female 56.56% 41.31% 50.90% 489 Male 49.08% 37.65% 40.91% 420 Program Enrollment by Grade Level ESOL GIFTED 39 49 127 REMEDIAL 58 48 68 174 SPECIAL ED 22 20 81 136 109 137 382 Where Are We Now

How are Title I Funds Spent? Sandtown Middle School Funds: These additional resources allow us to provide enhanced instructional programs for all students and the opportunity for our parents to be involved in their children’s education. To continue receiving these funds, there are guidelines we must follow to comply with requirements mandated by the U.S. Department of Education. Title 1 Part A Academic Achievement Allocation: $ 287, 292 FY17 F/R Lunch Students * (State Pupil Allocation) Budget: Expenditures aligned to Needs Assessment 1 Literacy Instructional Coach 1 Math Instructional Coach 0.5 Parent Liaison = Personnel: $ 219,092 Supplies, Computers, Resources , Parent Involvement Learning Software (NEWSELA, ALEKS) = Supplies: $68,200

Title I Budget If additional funds become available, the Title I Committee has agreed that these funds will be used for the below additional items: 1) Professional development for teachers that supports Literacy/Mathematics 2) Technology resources that support Literacy/ Mathematics

Parent Involvement 1% Set Aside Funds Every Title I school must have a written parent involvement policy, developed with and approved by parents. It should spell out how parents will be involved in a meaningful way. Funds set aside for parent involvement activities: One 50% Parent Liaison, Parent Workshops every month, and additional support for parents = $35,183. Parents can help decide what to do with the money set aside for parent support (1% minimum = $2,873).

SWP Goals, Programs and Supports

Fulton County Schools Strategic Plan 2022 The District Strategic Goal is to prepare all students to graduate ready to pursue and succeed on their chosen paths. Student Achievement: We prepare students with strong academic foundations and the skills needed to navigate life beyond graduation. People and Culture: We provide a welcoming environment and positive school and district culture for students, families and employees. Community Collaboration: We engage families, community members and civic organizations as active partners. Fiscal Responsibility: We manage and protect public funds and assets through efficient and effective use of available resources.

Curriculum Sandtown uses the Georgia Performance Standards and Georgia Standards of Excellence Curriculum. Georgia Standards and curriculum information can be found at www.GeorgiaStandards.org.

Needs Assessment Each summer, school faculty meet to review and discuss school data to help inform the School Improvement Plan. This data includes but is not limited to the following: Georgia Milestones Assessment results Iowa Assessment Results District Benchmark/Screener assessments Local School Assessments Once reviewed, a detailed decision is reached regarding the needs of our school.

Parent and Family Engagement Law “The successful implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act and progress towards educational equity for all students depends on the meaningful inclusion of the parents and communities that represent students who are low-income, of color, English learners, Native Americans, immigrants, or who have a disability.” Jan 19, 2016

Fulton County Schools District Parent and Family Engagement Policy About the Parental Involvement Statement (FCS, 2016-2017) Title I is a federal program that provides funding to local school districts to help ensure that all children in the District’s Title I schools meet the state’s high academic standards. Title I, Part A, Section 1118 of The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 provides this supplemental funding and requires that it be used to implement parental involvement programs in each of its Title I schools. In keeping with the requirements of Title I, Part A, Section 1118 of the ESEA, the Fulton County School District (FCSD) has developed a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. For purposes of the District’s structure, the District calls this “policy” a “statement”. To promote and strengthen student academic achievement and success, the FCSD is committed to the goal of providing a quality education for every child in this District and strengthening family and school partnerships. Therefore, FCSD has jointly developed this parent and family engagement statement with parents to establish the district’s expectations, strategies and resources to assist parents in engaging in the education of their child and to build parents’ capacity in its Title I schools to implement family engagement programs and activities. This statement describes how parents can be involved in the development and implementation of the district and school plan as well as how the district will ensure that schools are meeting the parental involvement requirements as mandated by the ESEA. s a parent, you have rights that you should understand. Parents will receive the new Fulton County Schools 2017-2018 Parental Engagement District Statement upon receipt.

Improving Student Achievement Fulton County Schools Charter System Framework and Governance Structure School Governance Councils Parents Teachers and Staff Community Members Principals (non-voting) System Resources and Support Central Administration System Governance Team Fulton County Board of Education Superintendent of Schools Roles and Responsibilities Local School Flexibility School Community Engagement Roles and Responsibilities System-wide Planning Data Systems Instructional Support Equitable Resources and Infrastructure Federal Program Management Improving Student Achievement Roles and Responsibilities System Policy Required District Best Practices Curriculum Hiring Ultimate Accountability for Results

Parental Involvement Resources The Title I Parent Handbook provides you with detailed information about Title I from the district, state, and federal level. Additional information can be located in our Title I Parent Center. The Title I Parent Involvement Policy describes our plan for involving you and other parents in your children’s education. For additional information on obtaining these resources, please contact Ms. Stephanie White, the Sandtown Middle School, Parent Liaison at (470) 254-6502 or via email at WhiteSJ@fultonschools.org. Information is also available on the Sandtown Middle School, Title I webpage under the “About” tab.

Title I Parent Center Sandtown Parent Resource Center We have a very active Parent Center located adjacent to the front office. Ms. Andria Mitchell is the Sandtown Title I Director and Ms. Stephanie White is the Parent Liaison. The Parent Center resources and the Liaison are here to support you in meeting the instructional needs of your children. Our Parent Center is a place you can always go for assistance. The Center will be offering many workshops/ training sessions for parents throughout this school year. (Please check the school calendar monthly for workshops at: http://school.fultonschools.org/ms/sandtown/Pages/Calendar.aspx)

Title I Parent Documents The Title I Parent Involvement Packet includes the following documents: Packet Additional Title I Resources School News “SMORE” 2. Parent Involvement Policy 3. School /Parent Compact 4. Parent Workshop Dates District Title 1 Parent Policy (Located in Parent Center and available on school website)

Title I School/Parent Compact One way we support student achievement is through a Title I School/Parent Compact. The Compact is an agreement we make together as administrators, teachers, parents, and students about the kinds of things we will each do to ensure your children are meeting grade level expectations. Research shows that when parents know what their children are doing in school and help support them at home, children will be more successful in school. Parents who serve on the Title I Committee help revise our School/Parent Compact every year. Title I Committee meets in January and May.

2017-2018 Staff Data Staff 25 Teachers 62 Paraprofessionals 10 Total Staff 97 Key Support Staff Administrators (7) Instructional Support Teacher Math Instructional Coach Literacy Instructional Coach Graduation Coach/RTI Specialist Counselors (2) Media Specialist Technology Specialist 50% Social Worker 6th Grade Team (Black) 7th Grade Team (Gray) 8th Grade Team (Royal Blue) Moderate/ Mild/ Severe Program World Languages, Design/CTE, PE/Health, Fine Arts

Parent’s Rights As a parent, you have rights that you should understand. In addition, you have the right to request information about the qualifications (certification and teaching credentials) of your child’s teacher or paraprofessional. You have rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) to be notified of any planned student activities and surveys for marketing services and certain physical examinations conducted by the school district. In addition, you have the right to review and opt out of such surveys and activities.

Volunteering and Parent Needs Please make sure that you sign–in on the parent sign-in sheet located on the table by the front entrance in the Parent Resource Center. We also ask that you sign-in in the front office every time you visit Sandtown Middle School. We appreciate your help in documenting your involvement in our school’s parent programs. Parents interested in volunteer options at Sandtown Middle School must first complete volunteer training as mandated by Fulton County Schools. Parents can complete volunteer training by visiting the following website www.fcsvolunteers.org

Title I Parent Input Meetings We invite you to participate in our Title I Parent Input meetings and workshops. The Title I Parent Input meetings will be held twice each year in August 2017 and May 2018. All parents are encouraged to attend. During this meeting, parents, teachers and administrators will work together to review and revise our School-Parent Compact and Parental Involvement Plan and 1% additional set aside Title I funds. We align our strengths and weaknesses so detailed, informed decisions about our School-wide Program Plan and use of Title I funds can be made. A schedule of all Parent Input Meetings and Workshops is included in your handouts tonight. The schedule can also be found on the school’s Title I webpage under the “About” tab or feel free to pick up a copy in the Parent Resource Center.

Follow the Chain of Command Who To Contact…. Follow the Chain of Command Mr. William Zwingman – Assistant Principal, 6th Grade Zwingman@fultonschools.org Ms. Rhonda Mays – Administrative Assistant, 6th Grade MaysR@fultonschools.org Mr. Borato Broughton – Administrative Assistant, 7th Grade BroughtonB@fultonschools.org Ms. Andria Mitchell – Administrative Assistant, 7th Grade MitchellA1B@fultonschools.org Dr. Kendrick Liles – Assistant Principal, 8th Grade Lilesk@fultonschools.org Ms. Brittney Burns – Administrative Assistant, 8th Grade BurnsB2@fultonschools.org Please contact Ms. Kechia Minter, the Principal’s Assistant, at MinterK@fultonschools.org to schedule an appointment with the Principal.

Thank you to all of our parents, students, teachers, and support staff for your commitment to our school and for being here tonight. Together we can attain success for all of our students. As the achievement standard continue to rise, we will meet the even higher goals that have been set for us this year.